ch.22: I Hate You!

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Dedication: I dedicate this chapter to AnnalisePanda Thank you for the reads and support sweetheart. :) x
WARNING:  Adult Content ahead

Wonwoo's POV:

I agitatedly pressed the doorbell as I chafed my palms against each other. I took a step back when I heard a couple of footsteps pacing towards the door.

"Oppa?" Eojin scrunched up her eyebrows as she unlocked the knob.

"Can I come in?" I asked, trying my best to ignore the eye contact. The guilt of cheating on her with Sheerin, couldn't let me look at her.

"Su-sure." She stuttered as I walked in.

"How come you are he-" Before she could question me further, I cupped her cheeks and smashed my lips on her's. I want to distract myself and this is the best way I can think of at the moment.

She was taken by surprise but she soon responded and kissed back. The kisses grew intense every second. My hands moved down her neck, her shoulders and then clasped my hands on her hips.

"Jump!" I demanded. She quickly obeyed and interlaced her legs around my waist. Moving to the plush sofa, I set her down. Eventually her gaze locked onto mine and I climbed on top straddling her and took a moment to just stare into her eyes, the color: hazel, now deep and intense with growing passion. I want to show her that I love her and no one else. I want to make love to her.

I held her face in my hands. I slightly brushed off her hair and kissed gently on her forehead. I then began to trail kisses all over her face...her eyes...her nose...her cheeks...and finally one long, deep kiss on her lips.

Once our lips met, we could no longer stay still and I grabbed her hips pulling her close to me. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders as we kissed more fervently now...our tongues teasing and flicking against each other. I slid my hands under her t-shirt and ran my hands across the small of her back, feeling her soft smooth skin.... I continued to move my hands upwards and I felt the delicate lace of her bra.

She raised her arms as I tugged her t-shirt to take them off. In return, she took off my black leather jacket and unbuttoned my white shirt. I intently looked at her and engulfed her into a hug. I can't help but to sigh as I felt her hot, smooth skin pressed against mine.

After what seemed like forever, I laid her back on the sofa and splitting her legs, I shoved her skirt up. I could feel how moist she was as I grew hard against her. I reached down and pulled her thong to the side. She moaned deeply as I positioned myself and slid gently inside her. She trailed her nails down my back, prodding firmly due to anticipation. She wrapped her legs around my waist while she moaned my name breathlessly...

I was into the moment, I didn't want to stop. I was at the verge to hit the climax when my mind subconsciously drifted off to Sheerin and even the loud moans escaping Eojin's lips couldn't rip me away from my train of guilty thoughts.

I cheated on her. I fucken cheated on her.

Sheerin's POV:

It has been all yesterday and all of today without any contact from Wonwoo. 'Perhaps he is caught up with some important work.' I convinced myself.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror and slowly brought my right hand up to my lips. I trailed my finger smoothly on my bottom lip and involuntarily the corners of my lips twitched into a smile as I thought about my "First Kiss" with Wonwoo.

I could still feel the traces of his lips on mine. How ours lips moved in perfect synch. Those tingling feeling at the pit of my stomach when he slipped his tongue into my mouth and explored every bit of it. How he snaked his hand around my small frame and held me close against him. Everything I felt was so foreign but everything I felt was the best feeling ever.

I was drowned into events that occurred yesterday in the elevator when I heard the main door open. I quickly padded towards the door to see Wonwoo with a bottle of alcohol in his hand. His eyes were blood shot red and he wasn't sure footed.

"You-you're drunk? Where'd you go?" I questioned a bit worried.

"IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!!" he yelled making me jump up my feet.

He came stumbling towards me. He almost tripped so I held him from falling.

"Don't touch me!" He yanked my hands and I took a step back.

"What-What's gone into you? What did I do?" I was really confused. I don't remember doing anything wrong, then why is he raging at me?

"I FUCKEN BROKE UP WITH EOJIN! And it's all because of YOU!"


Wonwoo's POV:

"I cheated on her. I fucken cheated on her." The words spilled before I could stop myself. Fcuk!

"What? What did you say?" Eojin asked with a perplexed expression. I cursed under my breath for saying that aloud but I got to tell her what happened. We never had any secrets.

"I-I cheated on you." I heaved a sigh.

"Wha-what? With who?" she snapped, as she got off the sofa and started putting on her clothes.

"Rin... Sheerin." I ducked my head in pure guilt and grabbed my jeans.

"What did you do with her?" she charged her face red with anger.

"We... kissed." I sighed.

"Who kissed first?" her voice now raging.

"I- I did..." She stayed silent. She folded her arms against her chest and parted her lips to speak.

"You should leave." her voice cold as ice.

"What? But I can explain!" I feebly implored.

"I don't wanna hear your explanation. NOW GET OUT! WE'RE DONE!" she roared.

"Wha- you're breaking up with me?" I gasped.

"Yes. Now LEAVE!" she shoved me towards her threshold.

"But Eojin, I can explain..." I was cut off midsentence as she slammed the door at my face.



Sheerin's POV:

"So you feel guilty? You-you regret kissing me?" I choked. My tears were pooling at the corner of my eyes.

"Yes Sheerin! I REGRET IT!" he confessed. Those words pierced me, causing unbearable pain in my heart. I tried to hold back my tears, but my tears ducts betrayed me and the tears trickled unceasingly down my cheeks.

Wonwoo reached for the door and glanced at me with a death glare.

"and yeah, you can have this apartment all to yourself. I HATE YOU!" He spat and stormed out of the flat, leaving me all alone.



Poor, poor Sheerin. :'(

She did nothing, it was HIS fault. She didn't deserve this. Well, what do you think? Is Wonwoo just mad at her because he is not thinking straight due to break up? Will he forgive her?

And Who do you guys ship? Woojin or Woorin?

Please "vote" and "comment" ya? cuz I really lose my appetite when I don't receive your feedbacks. :(

See ya Tomorrow. All the love. - Mri. :* x

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