ch.21: We're Back?

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Dedication: I dedicate this chapter to qrrtelle
Thank you for the reads and support. :) x

Hyurin's POV:

I woke up by a sharp knock on the door. I hastily got up, but instantly collapsed on my bed and clutched my head.

"Oww! Fucken hangover." I blasphemed. I slowly got up and paced towards the door. I felt sore in between my legs, which caused me to fall on the floor. The pain made me bite my lip and close my eyes shut. I wanted to kill the person behind the damn door who wouldn't stop hammering.

"Fcuk!!" I cussed.

"I'm coming!!" I yelled and dragged myself to the door; I somehow managed to unlock it and then collapsed on the floor.

"Hyurin? You okay?" The deep voice that I was so familiar with, spoke with concern in his tone. It was Mingyu.

"Ye-yeah." I replied, still clutching my head.

"What are doing on the floor? Get up." He tried to haul me up.

"I - I can't. My legs are sore." I stuttered.

"Whatchu do last night?" he asked.

"None of your business Mingyu." My voice turned cold. I wanted him to go away but instead he lugged me into his strong arms, which caught me off guard.

"Where's your bed room?" he asked cocking his left eyebrow.

"To the left." I directed. He carried me in bridal style and then laid me down gently on my bed.

"You got wasted?" he asked me out of the blue.

"Ye- yeah...but I don't remember drinking much." I mumbled, trying to remember the events from last night.

"You got aspirins?" his eyes scanning the drawers.

"Ya, it's in the lavatory." I replied. He got up from the bed and filed out off the room.

"The right door." I shouted.

"Got it!" he yelled back. Shortly he came back with a file of aspirins and poured a glass of water from the carafe.

"Here." He handed me the glass and pills.

"Th-Thanks." I smiled weakly and swallowed the pills with H2O.

"Where's the kitchen?" He simply questioned.

"I don't live in a mansion Mingyu that I have to direct you. You can find on your own." I chuckled.

"A quest eh?" he smirked and I rolled my eyes. He got up once again and vanished.

I was getting bored in bed when he came in holding two jumbo mugs.

"Here you go." he extended his hand.

"Green tea?" I scowled.

"Yup. It's one of the best cures for hangover." He reasoned.

"Eww! I hate the taste. It's tasteless yet... bitter." I commented.

"Then what's it doing in your kitchen cabinet?" He asked sipping his peculiar green beverage.

"My roomie drinks it." I shrugged.

"It's got lots of health benefits y'know." He said, sipping with no struggle, like he was enjoying his drink.

"Whatevs!" I rolled my eyes. I wasn't interested to know the benefits of some bitter liquid.

"Mmm... I can understand that your hangover is due to drinking, but why are your legs sore?" his brows connected.

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