ch.26: Apologies

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Dedication: I dedicate this chapter to nabilazulf
Thank you for your reads and votes, love. :) x

Hyurin's POV:

The morning sunlight peeking through the blinds caused me to wake up from my slumber. I lazily heaved myself up from my messy bed and went to the lavatory. I brushed my teeth with my favorite mint toothpaste. Massaged my face with a foamed facewash and quickly rinsed it.
I walked towards the kitchen to brew myself a cup of coffee. I don't know when will I get the habit of drinking tea over coffee. I'm still not over the American lifestyle.
I walked towards the living when I saw a blonde guy sleeping soundly on my cozy couch. That's when the events of last night came rushing into my head. Vernon Hansol Chwe slept over because it was too late for him to go back to his dorm.

His eye-lids fluttered before he opened his eyes widely. He sat up, rubbing his right eye to adjust his vision with the morning light.

"Morning!" I greeted, admiring the cute little mess in front of me.

"Wow! I actually stayed over at a girl's apartment." He greeted back. (Sarcasm)

"What- you've never done it before?" I asked in disbelief. I thought it was normal for celebrities to stay over.

"No." He nervously smiled, running his hand through his hair. His gesture made my heart flutter.

"I really need to get going before hyungs send a police petrol for me." He said, stepping into his vans.

"Drink a cup of coffee with me at least." I requested.

"I'm sorry. I can't, but umm.... Rain check?" He proposed.

"Sure." I gave him a tight-lipped smile.

"See ya Hyurin." He waved at me and filed out of my apartment.

It was only 5mins when I heard a knock at my door. I assumed Vernon must have left one of his belongings and is back.
I quickly padded towards the door and unlocked the latch.
It wasn't the blondie but the brunette who ditched me last night.

"What do you want?" I shot him a glare. There was a pause... but it was shortly followed by immense rage.

"Really? You can say that to me? I was so looking forward to our date last night, but you treated me like a stranger, dumping my ass right on the dance floor and now you ask me 'What do I want'?" This is the first time I saw Mingyu in so much rage.

"Oh wait, I do know what I want." He continued.

"AN EXPLANATION!" He roared.

"I don't know what you are saying...." I really want to bash him up left and right for ditching me, but his anger felt so intermediating, hence I decided to keep shut.... but umm, what exactly is he talking about?

"You declined my kiss, treated me like a stranger and stomped off the club. YA, THAT'S WHAT YOU DID." He wrapped his large hand around my arm causing me to winced.

He was on fire, if I become the fuel instead of a fire extinguisher, he's gunna burn us down. I need to subside my petty rage and do something instantly.
So I snaked my free hand around his neck, brought him close, our lips only centimeters apart. I then placed my lips on his plump lips and closed the gap between us to deepen the kiss.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't myself last night." I said breaking from the kiss. I don't even know what am I exactly apologizing for, but right now, apologizing is the best way to calm him down.

His strong grip around my arm loosened and his infuriated facial expression softened.

"Please don't ever do that to me again." He pecked my lips and embraced me into a hug.

It has only been a day without him yet I missed his hugs and kisses so much.
I. Love. This. Guy.

"So the date... it's still on?" Mingyu questioned withdrewing from the hug.

"Yes!" I beamed a smile and pecked his lips one more time.


Sheerin's POV:

I was awakened when my bedroom door slammed open. I sat up on my bed startled from the sharp noise.

"These are some dresses my mom sent for you, wear one of them and come out. We need to buy the engagement rings." Wonwoo ordered, his voice cold as always.

I nodded, sleep still lingering on my eye-lids. Wonwoo's eyes scrutinized me for some seconds which felt like hours and then withdrewing his gaze, he walked out the door.

That's when I realized that my bra was visible even when I was hugging my duvet against my chest.

"That pervert got a sneek-peek!" I squealed causing my cheeks to flush ridiculously.

Wonwoo's POV:

I always planned that when I will marry the love of my life, I will buy a crown ring with a huge diamond on it, but seems like things don't go as planned so we bought two simple engagement rings both platinum.

"Alright, we've bought the rings, now take the package and leave." I spat, still annoyed for what she did to my happy life.

"Okay." She ducked her head and darted towards the car where the driver was waiting to drive her to the apartment.

I know it's very impolite of me to treat her this way but nothing's going right and everything's a mess lately. I feel cursed to marry her.

Sheerin's POV:

I always wished the love of my life to buy me a crown ring with a huge diamond on it, but as Wonwoo practically hates me and is least interested for the engagement, so we bought two simple engagement rings, both platinum.

"Alright, we've bought the rings, now take the package and leave." Wonwoo just dont seem to lose a chance to wound me with his venomous words.

"Okay." I headed towards the car and the driver drove homeward.



Aww..... I really feel sad for Sheerin when Wonu treats her harshly. I hope things will get better between them very soon.

Anyway... Here's the usual...

[IMAGINE: You are walking through the park with Mingyu, when you come across a stray puppy. You run to pick it up and notice he has no collar. "Look at him Oppa, he is sooo cute. Can we keep him?" You ask pouting, give him the same puppy dog eyes like the pup. "Okay, we can keep him, but in one condition." "What is it?" You ask. "First you need to Vote and Comment babe. " he smirks.

So YES! Pleaseeee vote and comment, cuz it really helps.
Thank you 😙😙- Mri. :) .x

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