ch. 39: The Showdown

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Wonwoo's POV:

"Where is our beautiful would-be daughter-in-law?" My mom asked as she took a seat next to my dad.

"She's on her way." I simply replied, taking a seat next to my little brother Bohyuk.

"Ah! There she is!" My mom chirped. I turned around to see the con artist walking towards the table. I thought she was going to meet Mingyu first. I scrunched up my eyebrows as I thought to myself.

She greeted everyone and took a seat between me and her dad.

She looked different without her usual pencil shirt and toms on.
She wore a decent dress that matched the comfy sandals she wore.
Her hair was styled into a gorgeous loose curls. This was the first I saw her hair styled differently than her usual neat bun.

That light shade of eye shadow on her eyelids, a thin layer of eyeliner and mascara on her lashes enhanced her entire appearance. She really looked different tonight.
Elegant to be more precise.
How can I not fall for her?

"No Wonu, don't you change your mind. You need to bust this con artist." My subconscious spoke at the back of my head, ripping me from my train of thoughts.

We were done with our main course, when Sheerin gently stood up and drifted her gaze towards me.

"I need some fresh air." She held my hand.

"Will you please excuse us." she politely asked permission from our elders and pulled me away from the table.

"Where're we going?" I asked a bit confused.

"To the terrace." she replied.

"Wow! The prey is unknowingly going to the lion's den." I internally laughed and followed her footsteps.


Mingyu's POV:

Just like I told Wonu, Hyurin showed up to me first. She was wearing a decent dress which made her look extremely Elegant. My heart jolted at the sight of her.
Damn, I. love. her.

"No, Mingyu. Don't you fall for it. Just stick to Wonu's plan and bust her." My subconscious spoke at the back of my head.

"Hey Oppa." Hyu engulfed my neck with her arm and kissed me with her gorgeous lips. I kissedj back and let my lips linger on her lips longer than the usual peck.

"This will probably be the last kiss." I thought, internally shattering me in shreds.

"Hey Hyurin." I greeted with a small smile.

I gestured her towards the table. I held the seat for her as she sat on the seat opposite to mine.

"Thank god chivalry isn't dead." she joked as a steward approached us.

After a few drinks I decided to proceed with the plan.

"Umm... Hyurin?" I spoke, sipping the last drop of my drink.

"Hm?" She hummed looking up to me.

"I... I want you to meet someone... someone dear to me." I finally managed to lie.

"Really? Who is it?
Hope its not your wife that you've secretly married." She ridiculed, as I simply shook my head.

"That someone is... is waiting for is at the terrace." I lied further.

"The terrace?" she cocked her right eyebrow. I was afraid I'd stammer so I merely nodded.

"So... shall we go there?" I asked, stretching out my hand to her.

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