ch.18: Can't Stop Thinking

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Mingyu's POV:

"I love you Mingyu, Saranghamnida Oppa.... and it kills me to accept the fact that you'll never feel what I feel for you. That I'm just a stripper and I mean nothing to you."

Throughout my way back home, those words echoed at the back of my head, ENDLESSLY.

I weakly kicked the door open and padded to the living room.

"Yes Mingyu. I came to your hotel room to stay for the night 'cause I was too exhausted from the horrible event that took place, but when I learned that Tzuyu was in there, I was shattered."

My mind incessantly replayed those words even when I tried my best to shove them away.

"Whoaaa... Watch out Gyu." Coups' voice snapped me out. He was trying to steady a box of pizza that he was holding.

"Uh- Umm... sorry." I blankly apologized and plopped down on a red beanbag. Coups set the box of pizza on the table before leaving for the kitchen. He then came back with two cans of beer.

"Beer?" he offered, sitting on a yellow beanbag next to me. I just gave a slight nod and extended my hand towards him.

"I love you Mingyu, Saranghamnida Oppa and it kills me to accept the fact that you'll..." Those words hovered around my head again and without realizing it, my hand lost grip of the beer can, causing it to spill on the beanbag where Coups was sitting.

"WHAT THE HELL MINGYU??!!" He instantly sprung off his seat.

"I- I'm so..." My voice stuttered.

"Okay, tell me what's the deal." he raised his hands up in the air, trying his best to control his infuriated state.

"Wha-What?" I snapped my head up. He looked at me intently and shook his head with a pitiful sigh.

"Don't pretend like you don't know what I am saying. Ever since you've come back from New York, you've LOST IT!" His tone of voice intermingled with anger and concern.

"I- Uhh... It's nothing." I ducked my head, trying to avoid the eye contact. Wonwoo is my best friend but Coups is like an elder brother. I share my problems with him more than I do with Wonwoo, but I'm not sure about this one. I don't know how will he react if I tell him that I was messing around with Hyu, who is a stripper by profession.

He calmly sat on my beanbag and scooted up a little towards me.

"You can tell me." His face softened as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Really, it's nothing-"

"I'm all ears." He cut me off midsentence.

Should I tell him? What if he'll judge when I'll tell him that I was messing around with a stripper? ...but he's one of my best mates. He will understand, right?

"I won't judge." He replied to my thoughts, as if he could read my mind.

"I- I met this girl..." I spoke, heaving a huge sigh.

"I knew it!"

If this wasn't a serious situation, I would have chuckled hard by the way he snapped his finger, like 'BINGO!'

Once again, I heaved a deep sigh and decided to blurt out everything.

"She- she's a stripper..." I trailed off.

"Go on." He gave me an 'understanding' nod, persuading me to talk further, so I briefly recapitulated my unexpected rendezvous with an American-Korean named Hyurin in New York.

Messing with The SAME GIRL || Mingyu Wonwoo Where stories live. Discover now