ch.29: Sore

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Dedication: I dedicate this chapter to RidhaSeptiaN
Thank you for the reads and votes sweetheart. :) x

Sheerin's POV:

"That was a mind-blowing encounter but I need to leave. Twas nice meeting you, Hyurin." I shook her hand flashing a warm smile.

"Me too, we should hang out sometime." She proposed returning my gesture.

"I'd love to" I chimed and we headed out the changing room.


Hyurin's POV:

I gathered my belongings from the counter when I saw Sean waving at me. I wanted to exit the club as soon as possible, but not greeting Sean before leaving would be impolite.

"Hi there." I greeted as I approached him.

"There you are. I searched for you all night, where'd you go?" He asked taking a swig of his beer.

"I was caught in an encounter with my dopple....umm I mean, a friend." I replied with a nervous smile.

"But you're here now, so have a drink with me." He offered.

"Not tonight Sean. I'm tired and I wanna hit the sack." I declined almost yawning.

"This gon' put your stress away. I guarantee." He winked and made me gulp down a large shot of vodka.


Sheerin's POV:

When I reached my apartment, I was surprised to see Wonwoo fast asleep on my bed.
As much as I wanted to kick him hard for capturing my bed, I decided against it. I went up to him and covered his frame with the duvet, when a stench of alcohol filled my nostrils.
"He has been drinking five days in a row. " I thought feeling anxious.
I heaved a sigh and stood up.
In our tradition we are not supposed to sleep with our would-be husband before marriage. So I picked a pillow from the bed and plopped it on the couch. I withdrew a sheet from the drawers and walked back to the couch. I laid there staring blankly at the walls, thinking about the crazy encounter with my doppelganger....Hyurin.

"Mitzu was right, tonight was Mind-blowing!!" I thought and drifted off to sleep.

Next Morning:

A loud blare in the vicinity woke me up. I assumed that some sorta construction was going on. I tried to adjust my sleepy eyes on the sunlight and looked at my timepiece. It was just 7 am in the morning. I forced myself to sleep but I couldn't.

My gaze suddenly darted towards the bed, Wonwoo was sound asleep but another blaring sound woke him up. I guess he didnt realize my presence, he yawned out loud causing me to internally laugh. I had never seen such a funny yawn before. (PICTURE AT THE TOP 👆)

He instantly shut his mouth in mortification when he saw me sitting up on the couch.

"You slept on the couch?" He asked, sleep still lingering on his eye-lids.

"Ye-yes." I replied, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Sore neck?" He questioned, getting up from the bed.

"Ye- yeahh." I sucked on my breath when I felt a sharp pain.

"Lemme help." He walked behind the couch and placed his hands on my shoulders. Shivers ran down my spine at his touch. He gently kneaded my shoulders releasing an immense amount of soreness. He placed his thumbs at the back of my neck and pressed on it.
A small moan involuntarily escaped from my lips, causing me to blush in pure embarrassment.

"It's ok, you needed that." He smirked.

"Thank you, you can stop now." I smiled at him.

"I'm sorry, about the other night. I was drunk, I mistook someone else to be you." He apologized. I couldn't believe 'Jeon Wonwoo' was apologizing to me.
I wanted to tell him about my doppelganger and clear out his doubts, but I decided to keep shut.

"Its alright, and I'm sorry about the break up." I reluctantly placed my hand on his.

"Seems like things don't go as planned." He ducked his head.

"Anyway I need a warm shower." He withdrew his hand from my grip and headed to the bathroom.

Hyurin's POV:

I woke up by a sharp knock on the door.

"Oww! Not again." I blasphemed, clutching my head.

"Fucken hangover!" I cussed as I got up, but the soreness between my legs caused me to collapse back on my bed. I bit my lower lip to contain the pain.

"Sorry, I forget I had an extra key." Mingyu spoke while he walked towards the bed.

"Morning babe." He greeted me with a peck but I just gave him a tight-lipped smile.

"Hyurin? You okay?" Concern flashed on his eyes.

"I- I don't know." I replied, still clutching my head.

"I've got a terrible hangover and my legs are sore." I added.

"You got drunk last night?" He asked, as his eyes grew wider.

"Ye- Yeah...but I don't remember drinking much." I mumbled, trying to remember the events from last night.

"With who?" He questioned.

"With Sean, my boss." I answered. He paused for a while as he contemplated.

"Hyu... I don't like this guy, I find him fishy." He spoke as his brows furrowed.

"Wh-what do you mean?"

"Well, don't you find it uncanny to land up in your bed with a hangover and soreness between your legs everytime you take shots with him?"

"Last time I found you in the same condition when you went out with Sean."

His observation actually made sense, it's only when I have drinks with Sean I end up in this condition.

"So... should I confront him?" I asked unsure of what to do.

"No, in fact I suggest you to have one more drink with him tonight."
I scrunched up my brows in confusion.

"What are you trying to say?"

"Well.... You go out with him tonight. Acknowledge the drink he'll offer and pretend you're intoxicated." He continued.

"Once he'll think you're zoned out, he'll definitely bring you back to your apartment as he has always have."

"And then?" I asked.

Meanwhile, I'll fix a camera in your bedroom to capture his deed.
I'll book a room next door and watch over you through surveillance system. If he tries to do anything wrong with you.... I'm gunna barge in and beat the crap out of him.

I gave him a weak nod as he elucidated the plan and engulfed me tightly into a hug.


A/N:- Whoaaaa scary Mingyu!!
Do you think his doubts are right? Or wrong?
Is Hyurin unaware of what's happened/happening to her??
COMMENT down YOUR VIEWS. I'll write the next chapter according to it.

#muchLove- Mri :) .x

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