ch.3: Trail Room

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Dedication: I dedicate this chapter to lulabyv Thanks for your votes, comments, and support. I love you. #checkOutHerWork :) x

Hyurin's POV:

The sunbeams that were beaming through the curtains woke me up. It was seven in the morning. I got up to see Mingyu still asleep, so I let him be.

I tiptoed to the kitchen to brew a cup of black coffee. I always have a preference for highly-flavored. I placed the cup on my lips and took a sip. I looked out of the kitchen window to see the city waking up. It has been approximately two decades that I've been residing in NYC and I feel each morning that breaks in this city to be special in her own way. When it comes to capturing the romance of the city, photographers, writers, and poets, are inspired by New York night, with its bright lights and tireless revelers. However, very few appreciate the morning of New York City. Busy New Yorkers, obsessed with being productive from the moment they wake to the moment they sleep, mornings tend to be nothing more than a stint wherein they roll themselves from bed to computer to gym to job, headphones in their ears and caffeine on their brain. What a waste of some of the city's finest, in fact, the most poetic hours. Take a look around before the 9 a.m. rush, and you'll find it's a time when impossible things become plausible. You can hear yourself think, stride down vacant sidewalks, be smiled at by passersby, have an omelet by yourself. It's a slice of day when the chaos of the city is smoothed out, hushed and faintly aglow.

I noticed while depicting my beautiful city, I had finished my beverage drink. I softly sighed and placed the cup into the sink. I went to the bathroom to take shower. As I had slept on the couch, my neck and shoulders were sore so the warm water eased my nerves. I took a fresh piece of Mingyu's T-shirt, hoping he wouldn't mind and wore it.

I was fixing breakfast for Mingyu and myself when I heard footsteps behind me. I twirled to see Mingyu rubbing his eyes to chase away his sleep. His cute fringe were in a mess.

"Good Morning." He greeted with his deep tone of voice.

"Still sleepy?" I asked admiring this cute little mess in front of me.

"Jet Lag." He yawned and inclined towards the doorframe.

"You look cute with those messy fringe and good morning by the way." I chuckled.

" look who's obsessing about me." He smirked, crossing his arms across his strong chest.

"You wish Mingyu." I laughed and rolled my eyes, causing him to pout whilst I stuck my tongue out in return.

"You must be hungry, I'll order food." He grabbed the touchtone phone from the counter and started dialing for room service.

"No need. I've prepared breakfast already." I informed.

"Okay then let's gobble!" he exclaimed childishly.

I set the bacon, poached eggs, cheese sandwich and a jug of fruit juice on the table and we started eating. After breakfast, Mingyu told me to get ready for shopping. I wore his t-shirt and sweat pants. I looked at myself in the mirror; his clothes looked oversized on me.

"I look like Eminem." I pouted.

"But a cuter version of him." He winked.

"Whatevs!" I rolled my eyes, causing him to chuckle.

"Let's go, shall we?" he asked. I nodded and we advanced to the nearest mall.

- At the mall -

Hyurin's POV:

Mingyu pulled up at the parking lot and then we paced towards the mall. Forever 21 was on the first floor so we chose the escalator over elevator. We walked into the store and I started checking out clothes. I first went to the T-shirt section; I chose five cute printed tees and walked towards the trouser section where I picked up two skinny jeans. I asked Mingyu to wait outside the trial room, while I got in to try out the outfits.

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