ch.20: He's My First?

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If you've read my MINGYU IMAGINES already then this chapter MIGHT also sound familiar to y'all, but still PLEASE read it cuz I've made a lot of changes. Thank you. :)

Sheerin's POV:

"But I don't know how to-" I could feel myself tense up, the surrounding was so silent that I could almost hear my heart beating like an 808 drums.

"I'll teach you." He cut me off midsentence.

He gazed deeply into my eyes. Making his intentions extra clear, that he wasn't joking about the kiss. He moved his body towards mine until our heads were just a few inches apart and started angling his head for the best kissing position I suppose. He took it slow. The slow approach built tension and anticipation in my body. This is the first time I am so close to a man hence this is a nerve-wracking situation. He slowly moved his gaze on my lips, then back up to my eyes. I never examined his eyes so closely before, I thought he had a common shade of brown, just like mine, but I realized that his eyes were a shade of beautiful brown, flaked with golden color, and framed with thick dark lashes. I was so drowned in his gorgeous eyes, when suddenly; my mind started conflicting.

"What are you doing Sheerin? You are going to give away your first kiss to Wonwoo? He doesn't even love you and neither do you." My mind spoke to me. Yes, I have never been kissed. I always wanted my first kiss to be special. Under the mistletoe on Christmas, or on a New Year's night under a display of fireworks. Ok if not that, then at least on a lovely dinner date. But honestly, I had never thought my first kiss would be to distract myself from my claustrophobia, due to being trapped inside an elevator; and never in my wildest dreams, had I dreamt my first kiss to be taken away by my enemy... I mean the guy, I don't love.

"No-no No way Rin, you can't kiss him. You have to be strong to decline it." My subconscious spoke at the back of my head, but my heart had some other intention. I don't know why I am getting weak under his touch. It's like he's pushing all my buttons and knows exactly how to take control.

"Close your eyes." He said, breaking my train of thoughts.

"What?" I snapped but my voice sounded like a whisper.

"Kissing with your eyes open is generally considered rude and can ruin the intimacy of the moment. Closing your eyes can help you focus on the mouth and to live in the moment, instead of trying to observe everything that's happening at close range. You can slowly open your eyes later, when you pull apart after the kiss.

"So...close. your. eyes." He concisely elucidated.

I could instantaneously stop what we were doing but I don't know why I couldn't stop myself. I simply obeyed him and slowly closed my eyes.

"Now lean in and let your lips softly touch mine." I felt his breath so close to my lips, giving me a tingling feeling at the pit of my stomach. I slowly inclined myself towards him, until my lips slightly pressed against his and when he applied slight pressure to deepen the kiss, my heart jolted.

"Now mirror my movements, and do what feels good." He slowly started moving his lips and I involuntarily mimicked his lip movement. Shortly, he pulled away.

"See? It's not that bad." He smiled for the first with no mock or mortification but a genuine one.

"Now a longer one, ya?" he smiled again.

"But this time, place your lips on my lower lip and softly nibble on it, okay?" he instructed. I just nodded, and leaned in for the second time.

I did what he said. I softly place my lips on his and it instantly caused sparks to erupt all over my body. I captured his lower lip, while he nibbled on my upper lip. Our lips started moving in perfect synch. I felt him clasp my hips and slowly move his hands upwards. At first, I felt uncomfortable but then soon acknowledged his gesture.

"Have you played thumb wrestling?" he suddenly asked, pulling back from the kiss. I shook my head as a 'no'.

"Do you know what a thumb wresting is?" he asked again. I once remember watching it on TV; the little kids pressed each other's thumbs and battled. They fought for dominance, until the either one gave in. I knew what a thumb wrestling was, so I nodded my head as a 'yes'.

"Good! So now I will teach you how to French Kiss. It's exactly like thumb wrestling. It's a little sloppy because we are gunna exchange saliva but trust me, it's the best type among all kinds of kisses." He explicated.

What? Sloppy? Exchange saliva? How gross is that? I am so conscious about hygiene; and here he is planning to give me tongue bath?

"Noorin, stop it right away!" My mind scolded me. "But the previous kiss felt so good, so amazing." My mind started battling again.

"So... you wanna?" Wonwoo interrupted my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I was disoriented for a moment, but nodded shortly.

He brought his lips closer to mine once again and kissed me. Our lips moved rhythmically. He suddenly bit my lower lip that made me gasp and he quickly slid his tongue into my mouth. The tip of his tongue pressed mine. I was paralyzed. I didn't know what to do, but I soon remembered about the thumb wrestling. I mimicked his movements and pressed my tongue against his. Nibbling each other's lips was sweet, but having a tongue battle was adventurous. Our tongue fought for dominance and in the end, I gave it to him and let him explore my mouth. My body is completely disconnected from my brain, and my hands seem to have a mind of their own as it snaked around his neck and brought him close to me.

I could feel the heat rising in me; sparks erupting like the lavas from a volcano. My body was on fire. It flushed. What the kiss made me feel was foreign. I never felt like this before and I don't even know if I should feel scared or be daring. I don't know if I should stop or live in the moment. I was melting in his arms, quicker than butter in a microwave. My body felt weak due to anticipation, my legs were giving up but Wonwoo held me tighter against him as if he was saving me from dissolving on the floor.

I knew it wasn't a dream, because everything I felt was real. The kiss, his grip around me, the moment, EVERYTHING was REAL and I didn't want it to end.

Wonwoo's POV:

She placed her open lips on mine and slowly let them shut. She responded with youthful exuberance as our tongues explored every crevice of each other's mouth. I smiled against her lips as I felt victorious to make her claustrophobia go away. Her lips tasted like cherry as I licked them a few times. I somewhat felt happy to be the first one to kiss her captivating lips. What we felt at the very moment was magic, not even Eojin could make me feel...

My eyes grew wide as the image of Eojin came crashing in my mind. Guilt gushed into me like a venomous poison.

I snapped out and quickly pulled away by breaking the kiss. Rin scrunched up her brows in confusion. Before she could question about my abrupt gesture, the elevator jolted causing us to startle for a sec and started moving downwards. When we reached the ground floor, the elevator doors slid open.

She was about to step out but I stopped her.

"You go back to the flat." I said, causing her to step back.

"What? why?" she gave me another confused look.

"I just remembered I have to be at the PLEDIS studio by noon. We- we'll go tomorrow." Before she could ask further questions, I turned my heels and walked towards the parking lot as I cursed under my breath.

"I cheated on Eojin. I fucken cheated on her."



This is SO wrong YET it feels so right. I really want WooRin to fall into love with each other.

Hope you lovely people enjoyed this chapter.

I love you all to bits because even a "best friend" wouldn't be so nice and supportive like you all have been to me. :')

Please vote and comment ya? :) and let me know about what you think will happen next.

See ya Tomorrow. #muchLove - Mri. x

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