ch. 34 Namsan Tower-Locks of Love

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Sheerin's POV:

Without prior notice, he carried me in a bridal style and I wrapped my arms around his neck. The bed had been turned, and the corner of the covers had been pulled back, inviting us to lay between the sheets. He lay me down on the bed, while he got on top of me and with that; he kissed me, taking my breath away.

He ran his hands across my drenched blouse and he titled his head to deepen the kiss. He gently bit my lower lip for entrance; I didn't want to break the kiss anytime soon, so I instantly allowed him to explore my mouth. Our lips coordinated. He began caressing the sides of my stomach. When his hands trailed below my stomach he began to stop. His hands started to pull away as I rubbed his shoulders and he apologized. It always breaks my heart when he says sorry- I know how high a guy's sex drive is, and I can't imagine how hard it must be for him to stop.

"What would you do to me if I told you that you didn't have to stop?" I whispered onto his ear. I felt his back shiver a little bit as I nibbled on his ear. He was probably surprised when I asked, because he knew I was a virgin and he had promised he'd wait until our wedding night.

After he got over his shock, he whispered back in my ear in the sexiest voice I've ever heard him use. It was low with a little growl in it, but it sounded so soft and gentle at the same time.

"I don't want to stop, but I have to. Because I've made a promise that I'll wait for our wedding night." He said in that voice. I had to suppress a groan as he kissed me behind the ear and started rubbing my shoulders.

"I don't want any pleasure for myself Sheerin; I just want you to feel special. You deserve so much better, so I want your first time to be our wedding night." he said.

I knew he was lying about not wanting pleasure part, but I knew he was telling the truth when he said all he wanted to do was to make my first time special.

"All right," I whispered as I kissed him gently.

- Next Morning-

We checked out from the motel earlier this morning. We rented a car from a nearby garage and headed back to our apartment.

The drive was silent. I was staring outside from the car window when I realized that we were going to the wrong direction.

"Wonu? Where are we going?" I asked in disorientation.

"You'll soon know." He winked, giving rise to my inquisitiveness.

After a 20 minutes drive he pulled up at a parking lot. The surrounding seemed very familiar.

"The Namsan Tower?" I questioned as I stepped out of the car.

"Yes." He replied flashing a warm smile.

Namsan Tower or N Seoul Tower is the second highest point in Seoul. It is also Korea's first general radio wave tower that holds transmissions. Many visitors ride the Namsan cable car up the Mt. Namsan to walk to the tower. The tower is renowned as a national landmark, and for its cityscape. It attracts thousands of tourists and locals every year, especially during nighttime when the tower lights up. Photographers enjoy the panoramic view the tower offers.

Wonu gently held my hand and we paced up to the tower.

The N Seoul Tower is divided into three main parts, including the N Lobby, N Plaza, and the N Tower. The N Plaza consists of two floors, while the N Tower includes four floors.

We went up to the second floor of the tower where The Wishing Pond is situated. Here the people throw coins into the pond wishing for eternal love. The coins are collected and donated to help develop schools in China and Southeast Asia, especially in underdeveloped areas.

Wonu drew two coins from his leather jacket's pocket and offered one to me.

"Here you go."

"Make a wish." He smiled.

I heaved a deep breath and spoke:
"I've already got my eternal love beside me. So I have nothing else to wish for."

"But I do wish enternal happiness for us." I smiled back and plopped the coin into the pond.

"I wish the same." He slightly squeezed my hand and plopped his coin into the water.

We walked hand in hand towards the number one attraction of the tower.
It is stated that hanging named padlocks on the Tower fence as a symbol of love is the favorite activity in Seoul. This attraction is situated on the 2nd floor of the N Plazan, at the Roof Terrace. The "Locks of Love" is a popular location for people to hang locks that symbolize eternal love, and has been depicted in many Korean television shows, dramas, and movies for this reason.

"So...? You wanna hang a lock like other couples do?" Wonu asked with a smirk.

"I'd love to." I chirped.

"Okay then."
He jogged towards a gift shop and returned shortly with a lock and key which was shaped like a heart. He drew a permanent marker pen from his pocket and wrote down our names.

"It's lovely!" I chimed and walked up to the Tower Fence. I hung the lock and locked it with the key.
I suddenly felt Wonwoo bent down on one knee. He took my left hand and held it close to his heart. I gave him a confused look because I seriously didn't know what was going on.

"Sheerin." He spoke.

"I know there are many questions playing in your mind right now." He continued.

"I know we started off hating eachother, I bet there were times when you wanted to call off the wedding."

"I could still be obnoxious at times but try and see my heart. I've fallen deeply in love with you Sheerin, there's not even a day that I could go without you. I am at my best when I am around you." He spoke as he looked up at me.

"I know our marriage is already fixed by our parents, but a Marriage is Once in a Lifetime and every girl dreams of a perfect marriage proposal before she begins a new chapter with her beau so here I am.... on one knee, holding your hand close to my heart saying:
Out of all the fishes in the sea, I'm glad you swom to me. So Lee Sheerin... Whale you Marry Me?" he said taking out a small box from his pocket and presenting me a beautiful crown ring.

I was so overwhelmed as my tears threatened to spill down my cheeks. The people around us were watching the scene in awe which made my cheeks flush.

"I always wished the love of my life to buy me a crown ring with a huge diamond on it." I finally managed to speak.

Wonu just couldn't hold back his smile when I said that.

"Yes Jeon Wonwoo. I'd be honored to be your wife." I finally gave my consent for marriage, this time.... wholeheartedly and extended my left hand so that he could put the ring on it.

Wonu stood up and closed the gap between us with a passionate kiss.


I AM SO SORRY FOR posting after 3 days. I've been very busy and I'm also suffering from writer's block so I hope you understand

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