ch.31: One Of My Conquests

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Dedication: I dedicate this chapter to asoftsoftie
Thank you for the reads and votes love. :) x

Sheerin's POV:

A sharp bang on the door startled me. I ran towards the door to see Wonwoo drunk to his bones. His eyes were blood shot and he could barely walk.

"God! You're totally wasted!" I held him before he fell on the floor.


Wonwoo's POV:

I miss Eojin like crazy. I've been calling her endlessly, but she doesn't receive nor return my calls. I'm afraid she's still mad at me for cheating on her. I really need to make it up to her, cuz I really want her back.

I grabbed my car keys and filed out of the dorm. On my way to Eojin's place, I decided to purchase a bouquet of roses.
I looked out from the car glass and scanned the boulevard. I spotted a flower shop. I parked the car aside and entered the store. I paid for the bouquet and darted back towards the car. I unlock the car door and restarted the ignition.

After 20 minutes of drive I finally reached Eojin's apartment building. I grabbed the bouquet from the car seat and walked in to the edifice. I entered the elevator and pressed the button for the 10 floor. As the elevator began to rise, my heart beat increased.
I haven't met Eojin ever since the break, hence I'm a bit nervous to talk to her. When the elevator reached the selected floor.
The steel doors slid open and I stepped out of it.

I thought of knocking at the door, but then, she might not answer if she'll learn its me on the other side of the door, so I withdrew the spare key she once gave me. I drew it from my pocket and silently unlocked the door.

I placed my footsteps softly on the wooden floor.
As I paced towards her room, I heard strange voices emitting from her bedroom. My heart sank gradually as I prayed that its not like what it sounded. I finally reached her bedroom door, the voices were now loud and clear. The door was slightly ajar. As much as I didn't want to peak in, my curiosity betrayed me.

With one strong shove the door flew open. What I saw next shattered my heart into pieces.

"Wonwoo?" Eojin gasped in surprise as I caught her off gaurd.

"Wha-what the hell is going on in here?" I finally managed to speak. I was took broke to see Eojin unclothed with some other guy. I couldn't even yell in rage.

"Wonu, you- you need to leave." She spoke as she wrapped her bare body with the sheets and walked towards me, shoving me out her bedroom.

"I thought... I thought you loved me." I said as tears pooled at the corner of my eyes.

"I..." She paused. She heaved a deep breath and spoke.

"I never did." Those words stabbed right through my heart

"When you told me you're getting married, but you still wished to be with me, I wanted to call it quits,
but I didnt want to be the bad guy. I waited for a slip and thankfully you cheated on me. That was the best reason to get away from you."

"You were just one of my many conquests Wonu." She confessed. I couldn't believe the words that slipped out of her lips.

Tell me. Tell me it's a bad dream and i'm gunna wake up with no heart break.


Sheerin's POV:

Wonu was totally wasted but he somehow managed to walk. To be more precise... crawl. I held his arm firmly and towed him to the bedroom. He sank into the bed like a log. I covered the duvet over his body. I took a pillow from the bed like last night, but just when I headed towards the couch. I felt Wonu's hand grab my wrist.

"S-Stay." He mumbled.

"Wonu, I ca-cant... "

"Please..... I don't wanna be alone. At least not tonight. Please stay." He implored. I was taken aback by his request.
"I know your tradition says, you can't sleep with your would-be husband before marriage, but I'm begging you to." He spoke, his voice obscure.

There was a pause as I contemplated. I then sighed, followed by a nod and reluctantly got inside the duvet. I didn't utter a word. It felt weird to lie next to him. I glanced at him for a moment, but then turned my back towards him and tried to fall alseep.

I suddenly felt Wonu snake his arm around my waist and held me closer to his torso. Goosebumps erupted as I felt his body heat against mine.

"Rin.... Mianhaeyo." He mumbled an apology.

"Sorry.. for what?" I asked as I flipped towards him.

"I'm sorry for making your life mesirable. I was so engrossed about losing Eojin that I ended up being bitter to you." I couldn't figure out if it was he or the alcohol speaking, but I've heard that people speak the truth when they're drunk.

"Its... alright Wonu. I forgive you." I smiled and brushed my fingers on his cheeks.

He was staring at my lips and then my eyes; I wasn't sure if he wanted to kiss me, but my instincts said he wanted to. He then gently cupped my cheeks and brought my lips close to his. Our lips were only millimeters apart.
My heart started to beat fast as he placed his lips on mine. His lips tasted of alcohol, making me drunk on his plump lips. I froze by his gesture, but ultimately kissed him back.
He grabbed me by my waist and titled his head to deepen the kiss.
Our lips coordinated, as the kisses turned urgent. He broke the kiss only to connect his lips to my jawline and down my neck. I could feel my body flush with intense warmth, while his hand moved up and down my back, pulling me closer. His other hand moved towards the buttons of my night dress-shirt. At first he undid the first two button but gradually unbuttoned them all. My cheeks flushed when he learned I wasn't wearing a bra. He didn't utter a word, he just placed his hand on my bossom and gave it a slight squeeze. He captured my lower lip into his mouth, causing me to gaspe against his lips. He quickly slid his tongue and began exploring every inch of my mouth.
My body seem to have a mind of its own. I ground against him with great intensity as I felt my core burn in estacy.

"I want you as much as you want me right now." He spoke onto my ear, his voice deep and raspy.

"But... I'll contain it until the right time arrives."

"Our marriage." He said looking deep into my eyes. I slightly nodded and gave him a smile.

"Good night Sheerin." He kissed me one last time. He then engulfed me into a warm embrace, as we dissolved into a deep slumber.

"A girl who doesn't ask for any thing, gets everything." Such a true saying.


Wow!! What's happening???
Do you guys think that Wonu and Sheerin should turn into "WooRin"?

Comment down your opinions.
Vote please.

- Mri .x

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