ch.14: No Announcement

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Dedication: I dedicate this chapter to scoupsdaddy :) Thanks for the reads and votes. :) x

Wonwoo's POV:

Eojin : Oppa? Have you reached Seoul yet?

Me: Ya babe, I'm on my way to the dorm.

Eojin: Great! I'm so excited about the interview.

Me: Umm... I just arrived. I'll talk later okay?

Eojin: Okay, byeee.

...and the phone went dead. God! How am I supposed to tell Eojin that I am getting married? She's gunna break down.

I depressingly slipped out of my car and entered the dorm.

"Mr. Beanieee!" Dino and Seungkwan chorused, attacking me with hugs. They behaved like they saw me after a decade.

"Annyeong hyung." I greeted in a halfhearted manner and plopped down next to Mingyu. He looked more depressed than me.

"Hey Gyu, you okay?" I asked with a worried look.

"He has been this way ever since he returned from New York." DK replied in his behalf. I was about to ask the reason for his melancholy, when Hoshi intruded the conversation.

"How was your trip?" he asked, with an inquisitive expression. My mind instantly drifted towards the events that occurred during my vacation. I grimaced at the thought and spoke:

"I hate to announce this...but I have to." My façade now poignant.

"What is it?" Jun and The8 asked in unison, scrunching up their brows.

"I am getting married." I despondently announced the news.

"Whaaatttt????" the boys gasped in unison. Their eyes popped and jaw dropped. Even Mingyu changed his dejected expression into a shocked one when he heard the news.

"Who's the girl?" they questioned.

"A boring looking girl named Lee Sheerin." I scowled when her name escaped my lips.

"The daughter of The Lee Minho?" Vernon asked in surprise.

"How do you know?" I asked back, cocking my left eyebrow.

"Well, he is a well known business tycoon all over South Korea, so yea.." he shrugged.

"We only know his daughter's name is Lee Sheerin, haven't seen her though." Joshua added.

"Do you have her picture?" Coups and Jeonghan asked with an exhilarating voice.

"Hell no! I hate her." I riposted, crossing my arms against my chest.

"But why?" Seungkwan whined.

"Because I-..." I trailed off.

"Because?" Woozi asked inquisitively.

"Because I love Eojin." I heaved a sigh.

"Eojin? Soo Eojin?" Hyung's eyes grew wide like an owl.

"Ye-yes. We have been seeing each other for a long time now and she wants to announce our relationship in Afterschool Club show." I elucidated.

"You mean... tomorrow?" They asked in unison.

"Yes." I looked down.

"So you're declaring your love to the world?" DK questioned.

"Now I- I can't. I have to stop her." I answered.

"And how will you do that?" Dino asked.

"I don't know." I sighed and ducked my head again.

"Don't worry Wonu, we'll think of something by tomorrow." Jun and The8 patted my back.

"I should sleep. I'm tired." I announced weakly and got off the couch.

"Good night Wonu." They greeted and I bleakly towed myself to my room.

I crashed down on my bed, I tried to sleep but I couldn't. Therefore, I decided to call up Eojin. I quickly dialed her number and let it ring.

Eojin: Hey oppa.

Me: can you meet me in an hour?

Eojin: Sure, I'd love to meet up.

Me: Ok meet me outside Seventeen's dorm.

Eojin: Okay. (Line went dead.)


I am standing outside the dorm but Eojin hasn't arrived as yet. I don't know how to break this astounding news to her, but it's got to be now or never. Just then, I saw Eojin pacing towards me with a gleeful smile.

"God, I missed you!" She squalled, pulling me into a hug.

"Me too." I breathed, pulling back from her embrace.

"Can you believe it? We are going to announce our relationship to everyone in few hours." She chirped. I just gave her a small smile.

"Aren't you excited?" she hugged me again.

"I- I have to tell you something." I pulled back and ducked my head.

"Is everything ok Wonu?" she asked skeptically.

"Na-No." I stuttered.

"What's happened?" worry flashed in her eyes.

"I..." I trailed off. I tried to ignore the big lump in my throat and mustered up my courage to speak.

"I'm getting married." I sighed slowly, and took my bottom lip in between my teeth.

"Wha-What?" she deadpanned and stepped back.

"You heard." I sighed again.

"That is why we cannot officially announce that we are dating." I added.

"So you-you are breaking uh-up with me?" she tripped over her tongue.

"No" I cupped her cheeks, which were already soaked in tears.

"No one can replace you. Even after marriage, I'll still be with you." I pledged.

"I'll still love you." I added.

"I love you Wonu." She said, as more tears streaked down her cheeks. I kissed her forehead and pulled her into a hug to comfort her.



Hey there Meanie-pies! I know 'twas a crappy chapter but I'm gunna post another chapter in few minutes as bonus. PLEASE leave a feedback after reading; it gives me strength to go through my hectic days.

And as always, here's an IMAGINE for you with Wonwoo:

[IMAGINE: You ask Wonwoo to join you to a party but he declines and suggest you to stay back. You refuse and go upstairs to change. You're already late for the party and to top it off, you are having a hard time pulling up the zipper of your dress. You see Wonwoo passing by your room so you decide to call him. He stops at his nickname and walks in. He trails his hands up your back, causing goosebumps on your skin. "Stay." He whispers on your ear with his seductive voice. "We can have a party of our own party here." He starts trailing kisses down your neck. "It's my sister's birthday, lemme me go Wonu." You plead. You are getting weak under his touch, so he holds you tight and says: "is that so? Then you know what to do babe."]

YES!! You know what to do. VOTE!! :p x

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