ch.38: The Prep

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Dedication: I dedicate this chapter to my lovely monstaxchankyungbae
Thank you for the reads and comments honey :) x

Sheerin's POV:

Wonu and I are at the airport waiting for our parents to arrive. Surprisingly, he seems silent. That's a first.

"I can't wait for the family dinner." He spoke, snapping me out from my train of thoughts.

"Yes me too." I said, internally excited to surprise both Wonu and Mingyu.

"It's gunna be a heck of a night." he smirked.

"I know right?" I smirked back.

Just then Wonu's family arrived. Mrs. Jeon embraced me into a warm hug, while I traditionally greeted Mr. Jeon and Wonu's brother, Bohyuk.

My father joined us shortly and we headed to the parking lot. Wonu drove his family to our apartment, while my dad and I were escorted by our driver.

When we finally reached our apartment, my phone began to vibrate. I drew out my phone from my blazer's pocket and saw Hyurin's Caller ID displayed in my phone screen.

"Hey, what's up?" she greeted me in an American fashion.

"Annyeonghaseo, Wonu and I just fetched our family from the airport. What's the matter?" I spoke.

"Umm.... Actually, I have never been to a Fine-Dining Restaurant before so I really dont know what kind of attire is appropriate, so can you please help me out?" she requested.

"Sure. Where shall we meet?" I asked.

"At my apartment." she informed.

"Okay." I agreed.

"Super! I'll see you soon. Bye Twin." She chirpped, causing me to chuckle.


Hyurin's POV:

I padded towards the door when I heard the doorbell. I unlocked the door to see my replica grinning at me.

"Hey! C'mon in." I welcomed with a cheerful smile.

"Hi sweetheart." Sheerin greeted stepping in to my apartment.

"Green Tea?" I offered.

"Nah.. This time I'd like a cup of coffee?" she said sticking her tongue out.

"Okay." I chuckled and went up to the shelves to grab a bottle of coffee.

"So you live alone in here?" she asked as I handed her a mug of coffee.

"I used to have a roomie, but I don't think she'll come back from New York anytime soon, so ya... I live alone." I said, sipping on my beverage drink.

"Does Mingyu stay over?"

"I wish." I blushed.

"You love him, don't you?" she gave me a crooked smile.

"I do, immensely." I could feel my cheeks burn.

"He treats me like no one else did. He doesn't see me as a low life stripper. Infact he believes I am so much more than that, so I've applied for a designing school. I wanna leave this profession and become a designer." I announced with a cheerful tone.

"That's an amazing news! I'll help you set up a boutique." She chirped and pulled me into a hug.

"Anyway, lets to go to my room. I need help to choose an appropriate dress for tonight." I pulled back from the hug and we headed towards the room.

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