ch.30: Red-handed

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Dedication: I dedicate this chapter to
ShimmyShimmyKoKoBop and KookiesandCreameu Thank you for the votes and comments lovely carats. :) x

Hyurin's POV:

Throughout the day I was having second thoughts. I didn't want to believe that Sean could do something inappropriate or non-consensual to me.

"I need to stick to Mingyu's plan, I trust his intuition." I said to myself and walked towards the bar counter where Sean was sipping on his drink.

"Hey girl!" He greeted with a cheerful tone.

"Hi Sean." I pretended to sound low.

"What happened darling? You sound so low." He asked as if he was genuinely concerned.

"I'm... I'm just really tired.
God! I could really use a drink right now." I placed my hands on my head.

"Go ahead." he smiled at me.

"Oh wait. I left my phone in the changing room, i'll be right back." I lied.

"Okay, till then I'll be fixing you a Martini." he grinned.

I watched him from a far. He ordered a Martini and what I saw next was unbelievable. He shoved his hand into his trouser's pocket and drew out something which looked like salt.

"It can't be salt, It's got to be drug." I said to myself.

I quickly dialed Mingyu's number, he received it at first ring.


"Oppa, you were right. He has been drugging me all this time." I said as my eyes turned glassy in disbelief.

"I knew it!"

"I just fixed hidden cameras in your apartment rooms. So all you need to do is pretend to be drunk and bring him to your flat."

"Okay." I obeyed and hung up the phone.

I walked back towards Sean and pretended I saw nothing.

"Here you go." He handed me the drink.

"Thanks Sean." I flashed him a forceful smile.
I scrutinized the counter and saw that the person beside me was having the same drink as I was. I needed to think of something, pronto dente!

"Oops." I exclaimed and purposely dropped my phone that I was holding in my hand.

"Lemme get it for you." Sean initiated and bent down to grab my phone. I quickly switched my Martini with the person sitting next to me.

"Here you go" He handed me my cell phone.

"Thank you." I chirped and sipped on the undrugged Martini.

"The drink is really getting into me." I hiccuped, sipping the last bit of my drink.

"It's okay babe, I'll reach you home." He said in a flirty tone of voice. God I despise him so much right now.

"Spee- speaking of home... I need to hit back to the cri-crib Sean." I giggled. Pretending to be intoxicated.

"As you wish babe." He grabbed me by my waist. I almost whimpered, but I remembered to keep my cool.

I then pretended to pass out. He hauled me up on his right shoulder which caught me off guard, but I tried my best not to cause any motion.
He walked up to the parking lot and unlocked his car door. He lay me on the passenger seat and shut the door. He slightly jogged towards the driver's seat and slid into it.
I wanted to peek, but I decided against it. He then started the car engine and we left the club's premises.

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