ch.33: You're My Healing

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Dedication: I dedicate this chapter to meezaa_s
Thank you for the reads and votes, love. :) x

Sheerin's POV:

I wiped my tears with the back of my palm and unlocked my apartment door. I weakly shoved the door open and walked towards the flight of stairs that led to my room. As I was about to climb up the stairs, a sweet aroma filled my nostrils. I darted my eyes towards the source of aroma when my eyes connected with Wonwoo's. He wore his favorite black leather jacket, skinny black jeans, black oxford shoes, white shirt and a black bow tie to top off his attire.
I sifted my gaze to my surroundings. He had set scented candles at the dinning room and a massive one in the middle of the dinning table. I could also see some cutlery and crockery set on the table with some napkins. By the look of it, I assumed he prepared dinner for us two.
Suddenly my blood boiled and my skin flushed with rage.
I wiped my tears one last time and stomped towards the direction where Wonwoo was standing, flashing me a smile that looked so genuine, but I'm not gunna buy any of his tricks this time. Not anymore.

"Ok, Why are you doing this to me Wonwoo?" I spat, plopping my pursue on the dinning table, spilling water from the carafe.

"What do you mean?" He furrowed his brows in confusion.

"I've prepared dinner for us two. Like a dinner date." He added.

God! He's so full of pretenses. Why take so much trouble preparing dinner when I'm just a rebound?
I need to leave before I burst my rage at him.

"I can't stay here any longer. I want out." I stated as I turned my heels and headed for the door.

"What? Why? What happened?" Wonwoo followed my footsteps. He jogged towards me and stood in front of me, hindering my way out the door.

"Sheerin, Why are you acting weird? What's gotten into you?" He placed his hands on my arms. He looked deep into my eyes but I dropped my gaze and yanked his hands off me. I quickly unlocked the knob and walked out the door.

"Hey wait!" I could hear him calling me, but I quickened up my pace and reached for the car. I unlocked the car door and got into the driver's seat. I inserted the car keys to ignite the engine when I heard the other side of the car door open. Wonwoo slid into the passenger's seat and shut the door.

"Where are you going? What's happening?" His voice now turning loud. I simply ignored him and started the ignition. Fresh tears started to replace the dry ones, as I drove in full speed.
Suddenly I felt Wonwoo's hand on my hand as he tried to control the stirring wheel.

"You're gunna get both of us killed!" He yelled, but I turned a deaf ear to him.

I had never drove this fast before
My hearted started beating faster as I sped up but I didnt want to stop. Hurt and anger engulfed me, I could faintly hear Wonwoo yelling, asking me to stop but everything was drowned out by the sounds of my own hurt and rage.
Soon I could only see silhouette of trees and the dark road ahead of us. I heard Wonwoo press the break.
When the car hit the tree trunk, the loud bang snapped me out.

"WHAT THE FCUK IS WRONG WITH YOU?? ARE YOU OUT OFF YOUR FCUKING MIND??" Wonwoo's voice pierced my ear drums.

I ignored his quires once again and shoved the car door open. I stepped out of the car and started walking. I could barely see anything in the dark but I kept walking.

"Heyyyy!! What the fuc-" I could hear Wonwoo cuss, but I kept walking.
I could hear him jog towards me and shortly I felt him grab my hand, twirling me towards him.

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