ch.25: Rin-sol?

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Dedication: I dedicate this chapter to Ryu_ry17 Thank you for your reads, votes and comments hunnie. :) x

Sheerin's POV:

"Just few more steps and we're home." I said as the elevator doors slid open at the 9th floor of our apartment. Zu was totally wasted but she somehow managed to walk. To be more precise... crawl. I held her arm firmly and slipped my hand into her pocket to draw the keys of her apartment.
I towed her to the bedroom and she instantly sank into deep sleep. A bitter-sweet smile crept on my lip. Zu lived a care free life, while I wasn't brought up that way. I was made to believe that only two places existed in the entire world: School and Home.
I was awoken at six in the morning, studied for an hour and got ready for school. When I got back home from school, my tutor would be waiting for me in my study room already. Then I had my music and ballet lessons. 24 hours would pass in a blink of an eye that I didn't have time for myself. My whole life revolved around studies and business. So confined.
I don't even remember when was the last time I actually went for a vacation.

I broke my sad thoughts and hauled the duvet over Mitzu. I could hear soft snores, which almost made me chuckle. I noiselessly closed the door behind me and went up to my own apartment.
I was beyond tired but not sleepy, hence I decided to soak my body into the bathtub to release the fatigue.
I entered the bathroom. In order to keep the room warm, I closed the door and windows to prevent drafts. I turned on the faucet and let the warm water fill the tub. I tested the water temperature by dripping some water onto my wrist and inner arm. The water felt warm, not hot, on my skin. As soon as I removed my clothes, a cool breeze hit my warm skin which made me shiver for a jiffy.
I carefully got into the bathtub and slowly let my body sink into the warm silky water. My nerves relaxed, easing my endocrine system. I slowly closed my eyes and let the warmth eliminate my soreness.

A loud noise at the main door startled me and woke me up from my sleep. It seemed like I was in the tub for almost an hour. The water had gradually cooled down causing goosebumps to erupt on my skin.
There was no time to get dressed so I quickly wrapped a towel around my body and coyly padded towards the hall.
I walked towards the source of noise and saw Wonwoo staring at me with blood shot eyes.

"WHERE THE FCUK IS HE?" He yelled.

"What? Wh- Who?" I crumpled my brows in confusion.
He walked up to me and scrutinized me for a moment.

"Oh so you two were having sex in the shower?" he hissed, feeling my wet tresses with his fingers.

"Wha-what are you talking about?" I stuttered.
He rushed towards the bathroom and yelled again. I followed his footsteps.

"Get the fcuk out of the shower Mingyu. I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE."

"M-Mingyu?" I asked, my voice almost inaudible. I was internally thanking God that Zu was zoned out, or else this would be so mortifying.

"Yes, you're new oppa, Mingyu. I saw you kissing him at the club. You kissed him, DIDN'T YOU?" He roared as he backed me up against the cold titled wall. I couldn't help but yelp in pain.

"I wasn't the first one to kiss him, he just..."

"First you cause the breakup between Eojin and I, and then you fcuk my best friend?"

"Wonu, Stop it!" I pleaded as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"I- I didn't do anything with him, and he isn't here." I continued, crying bitterly.

"I don't buy it, any of it!" He raged causing my eyes to shut with immense fear.

"Please, you're hurting me." I begged pathetically, as he dug his nails onto my bare skin.

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