ch.11: No More of Hyurin

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Dedication: I dedicate this chapter to GoldenNoddle the reads, votes and comments loves. :) x

Hyurin's POV:

I somehow managed to reach my apartment safely. Mingyu has been calling me endlessly ever since I left his hotel room but I've been dodging his calls. I quickly unlocked the door and walked in to the flat. I took off my torn clothes and changed into a T-shirt and sweat pants. I looked at myself in the mirror, I felt dirty by the drunkard's touch. I wanted to take shower. I wanted to go to sleep, but I couldn't. The bed, the sofa, the TV, everything reminded me of Mingyu. I have to leave this place. I don't want his memories to haunt me. I stuffed some clothes and my minimal belongings in a duffle bag and grabbed my keys. I have to leave before Mingyu arrives. I can't face him at this point of time. I won't be able answer why I left his room. I can't let him know that I love him. I just can't.


Mingyu's POV:

"Hyurin...Hyurinn wait!" I called her, but she just kept tramping down the lobby.

What just happened? Why was her clothes torn? And why did she walk away when she learned that Tzuyu was in here? Thousands of questions were juggling in my head.

I went back to my room and picked my phone from the nightstand to call her.

Her phone is ringing but she is not receiving. She looked so troubled. I just can't let the matter drop. I need to go after her.

"Mingyu?" Tzuyu mumbled in her sleep.

"I'll be right back." I whispered on her ear and threw on my jeans and hoodie. I grabbed my car keys from the counter and drove off to Hyurin's flat.

The roads were vacant so I drove as fast as I could, but it felt like I was driving for hours. After 20 minutes drive, I finally reached her apartment building. I hurriedly got into the elevator of the building and pressed the button for the seventeenth floor. The elevator came to a halt, and the doors slid open. I stepped out immediately and walked towards her flat. When I got to her apartment door, I knocked a few times, but there was no answer from the other side of the door. I then noticed that the door was locked from the outside, which indicated that she wasn't in her room. Where on earth did she go?


Hyurin's POV:

When I couldn't pay my rent and was homeless, Mia offered me to stay with her, but I declined. However, this time I really need someone who can help me with my plight. So the only place I can think at the moment is Mia's.

I walked in the direction of Mia's apartment. I am only wearing a T-shirt so the cold winds made me shiver to my bones. I held the duffle bag against my chest to obstruct the wind to hit my torso, but my back ached due to frosty cold. After 25 minutes of walk, I reached her apartment. I weakly pressed my finger on the doorbell and let it ring. Mia opened the door after the third ring. The doorknob unlocked, revealing a sleepy Mia. She was quite disoriented to see me at her threshold, this early in the morning.

"Rin, what happened? You look so troubled." Concern flashed on her sleepy eyes.

"I- I left the flat that Mingyu bought for me. I couldn't think of any other place to go so I came here." I said, trying my best to hold back my tears.

She instantly understood the matter so she decided not to question.

"Come in, you look cold." I nodded and walked in.

"Sit. I'll get you water." She said and walked to her kitchen. I placed my bag on the sofa and plopped down next to it. She came back with a glass of warm water and offered me.


"You wanna talk about it?" she asked, taking a seat next to me.

"I think so..." I trailed off.

"Go ahead, I'm all ears." She gently squeezed my cold hands and gave me a small smile.

"I had a horrible night." I started, hugging my knees against my chest.

"My night shift got over at 2am. When I was retrieving home, I encountered a drunkard and he molested me. I somehow managed to escape and went to Mingyu's hotel room for refuge, but then I found Chou Tzuyu in his bedroom. I was shattered. I thought that night we spent together meant something to him, but I was wrong. So so wrong. Therefore, I decided to leave the flat he bought for me, because all the memories I had with him would haunt me, when he'll go back to Seoul." I finished, tears threatening to slip from my eyes.

"You can stay here Rin, I don't mind." She spoke.

"You are my best friend. This is the least I can do." She added and pulled me into a hug. Warmth flooded through me, and soon I could no longer control the tears, so I let them spill down my cheeks.


Mingyu's POV:

It has been two days that I haven't heard from Hyurin. I go to her apartment twice a day to check if she's home but all I find is a locked door.

I've been scanning every crowd in New York City just to get the last glimpse of her, before I leave for Seoul today, but sadly there is no sign of her. I wish I knew the name of the club she worked in, but I hardly know anything about her, yet her absence mattered.

The last time I saw her, she looked so troubled. Those teary eyes, torn clothes... irk me all the time. I want to know what happened to her that night. I want to know why she was in such a terrible condition. Was she molested again or raped....

I hope not. God can't be so cruel to her, she's one the best people I've ever met.

I glanced that my time piece and sighed, it was 12.30pm. My flight is at 1 pm so I started packing up and left for the airport, biding goodbye to NYC.

"No more of New York. No more of Hyurin."



Ok, this was the crappiest chapter I've ever written.

So it's THE END of "GyuRin" I guess.

What do you think? Will they meet again? Or will they move on without each other?

Anyway, stay tuned, I'll update chapter 12 soon. Until then...

[IMAGINE: Mingyu is driving you home after school. You had a weird day, you couldn't stop having wild thoughts about Mingyu. You are eagerly waiting to reach home, but your body can't control so you slightly pull up your skirt, revealing more of your sliky legs. Mingyu is trying to focus on the road, but is getting distracted by you seduction. He takes the vacant route and suddenly stops at car aside. "Get out!" he yells. You wince but slowly feel relieved when a naughty smile flashes on his lips. You instantly obey and you both slip out of the car. "You've been a teaser." He hisses and backs you up against the car. He crashes his gorgeous lips on yours and you kiss him back You slowly slip your hand down his torso and start to unzip his pants but her grabs your hand and says: "Uh uh uh... Not so easy. First, Vote or Comment babe."]

Hehehe... So IF you want to "continue" then you better do what Mingyu says. :p

See ya Meanie-pies. :* x

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