ch.32: A re-bound?

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Dedication: I dedicate this chapter to my sweetheart wonuspotato
Thank you for the reads, votes and support hunnie. :) x
A/N: You need to read both Wonu and Sheerin's POV to understand this chapter. :)

- 2 weeks later -

Sheerin's POV:

Something is burning. The thought occurred to me before I even opened my eyes and 'twas a thick jolt of panic that caused me to bolt upright in bed, one hand reaching for the other side of the bed to shake Wonwoo awake, but my hand met air and empty sheets, and as the smell of smoke got stronger, I felt fear grip me tighter. However, I leapt out of bed and sprinted out of my bedroom as I paced towards it, I heared a small pitched growl.

"Damn! It's gone all black and-and smokey!" Wonu cursed under his breath.

"Wonu is fixing breakfast for me?" I thought as I placed my hands over my mouth, but a giant smile spread over my face anyway.

"Ugh these waffles. They've become hard as bricks." He mumbled to himself as there was a soft clatter of dishes and silverware.

"I hope these pancakes will do." He convinced himself.
I dived back into bed once I heared his footfalls coming nearer, just scooting back under the covers just as the door creaked open.

"Sheerin?" I felt him lean closer to my face, I fluttered open my eyes to those beautiful brown orbs I adore so much.

"I made you breakfast." He smiled onto my lips as I sat up on the bed and leaned against the headboard. He set a tray of delicious smelling food on my lap and a kiss on my forehead.

"Thank you for the lovely breakfast Won. Its a lovely gesture." I thanked and took a sip of the orange juice.

"It's my pleasure." He flashed a smile.

"...and umm, I gotta get ready for work, you enjoy your meal ya?" He spoke as he got up from the bed.

"What about breakfast? I can't eat all of it."

"I'll grab something on the way. Laters babe!" He waved and filed out of the room.
The word "babe" somewhat made me blush and made my tummy do a somersault.

God, I love him.


Wonwoo POV:

"Good Morning Hyung!" I greeted Joshua with a jublient tone.

"Whoa, you seem charged up. Where were you last night?" Josh asked, as I plopped my phone on the couch and sat down next to him.

"I was with Sheerin." I replied. The corner of my lips twitched into a smile for the first time when I said her name.

"Wow! but what about Eojin? I thought you guys were a couple." He inquired more.

"Don't ever mention her name in front of me. I hate that bitch." I grimaced at the thought of that skanky heart breaker.

"Why so?"

I paused for a while and then blurted out the incident that took place two weeks ago.

"It happened two weeks ago..." I started.

"It had been a month Eojin and I broke up, I was missing her like crazy, hence I decided to go over to her place to apologize. When I entered her apartment, I encountered her with a guy in her bedroom. I was shattered. When I confronted she effortlessly said she never really loved me. That... that I was merely one of her many conquests." I elucidated finishing with a deep sigh.

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