ch.13: Check In- Seoul City

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Dedication: I dedicate this chapter to my sweet sweet Lavannya_lav sweetheart. Thanks for the votes and support . #CheckOutHerWorks :) x

- Seoul City -

Mingyu's POV:

After 3 flights per day, 14h 20m duration of air travel, I finally reached Seoul City. S. Coups, Jeonghan, Joshua hyung already arrived at the dorm. I dropped my luggage down on the sofa and plopped down next to them.

"Annyeong hyung!" they greeted, with a warm smile.

"Where are the others?" I greeted back.

"Rest are on their way but Wonwoo won't be coming until tomorrow." Joshua informed, switching on the TV.

"Anyway, how was your trip?" Jeonghan asked, his eyes fixed on the TV screen.

"I don't know." I replied, massaging my temples.

"You ok Hyung? You look edgy." Coups hyung asked. Their attention instantaneously drew towards me. I took a deep breath and straightened my back. I wanted to tell them everything that occurred during the break, but I decided against it.

"I'm feeling unwell after the travel." I lied, avoiding the eye contact.

"Then you should go take rest." Coups Hyung patted my back. I nodded and tiredly darted towards my room. I sank down on my bed and ogled blankly at the ceiling. My thoughts subconsciously drifted to Hyurin. For an hour, I laid there thinking about her, but then I sat up on my bed and pushed all her thoughts away.

"No more of New York, so no more of Hyurin, Mingyu." I said to myself and walked towards the kitchen to get a bottle of chilled beer.


- New York City -

Hyurin's POV:

Ever since that day, I have been staying at Mia's apartment. We go to work together and retrieve home together. She qualms I might do something preposterous due to depression so she doesn't leave me alone.

We are at the club right now. After Mia's performance, it's my turn.

I was rehearsing my dance steps when my manager Kelly came up to me, interrupting my rehearsal. FYI, he is gay, so he is the only guy in the club I feel safe to be with.

"H, where's M?" he asked. He calls us by our initials because we are not supposed to reveal our real names at work.

"She's still up on the sta..." before I could complete my sentence, Mia walked in.

"Wad up guys?" she greeted, stepping out of her heels.

"Thank god, your performance is over. I gotta to tell y'all an important news." He spoke.

"Is it bad news or good news?" I asked as my brows connected.

"Umm...both." He replied and that instantly made me tense up.

"Well..." he placed his hands behind his back.

"The owner has decided to close this club." He informed, giving us an apologetic look.

"What? No, it's not fair. We don't have any other place to work." Mia and I, both started blabbering and panicking.

"Shhh... girls, calm down." He shushed, placing his finger on his lips.

"I know this is a sad news, but I also got good news for you two." He started.

"The owner will be closing this club because he secretly married a Korean lady who lives in S. Korea. So, he will be inaugurating a new club in Seoul in three days time and as you two are my lovelies, hence I've recommended you two for the new club." He finished, flashing a grin.

"What? That means we are flying to Seoul?" I asked astonishingly.

"Yes, love." He replied, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"But I - I can't." I objected. Oh Holy Jeezsus, what are you trying to do? I am trying my best to stay away from Mingyu, but you're trying to bring us more close to each other? Why?

"H, please don't decline. I've already booked the air tickets for tomorrow." He requested. Mia gave me a slight squeeze; I could tell by her façade that she was dying to go to Seoul, she loves Seoul because her favorite singer is Tae Yang. I took a deep breath and agreed to the offer.

"Fine." I sighed with a defeated look.

"Super! So get ready New York Dolls. We are going to Seoul City!" Kelly squalled. I just gave him a tight-lipped smile and went up to the stage for the last performance in this club.


Hyurin's POV:

"We're here!" Kelly chimed, as I stepped into Seoul for the first time. We got into a taxi and headed towards our new club: The Cakeshop. On our way, we crossed amazing places. They looked so splendid. For me, the lights of New York City are the most beautiful thing ever, but Seoul is her own kind of beautiful.

After 45 minutes of drive, we finally arrived to the venue. When we crossed the threshold of the Club, I scanned my new work place. It was doubly the size of our former club and it looked extravagantly expensive.

"Amazing, isn't it?" Kelly sang.

"Yes!" Mia and I both chirped in unison.

"Ok now lemme inform you that our owner's son Sean will be running this club. He'll be the boss." he explained.

"What about you?" Mia asked.

"Of course I am the manager, but he'll be around too." He replied.

"Kells." Just then, we heard a masculine voice behind us.

"Ohh Sean, I'm so glad to see ya." Kelly pulled the man into a tight hug.

"Nice to see you Kells." He greeted. The man looked like he's in his mid-twenties. He was quite a hot hunk though. I could make out his toned body from his white fitted shirt. He was tall and had a neat haircut, not so dense beard which complemented his fine jaw line.

"So, they are the New York Dolls?" our new boss questioned, snapping me out from my analyzing session. Damn, his eyes resembled Mingyu's eyes.

"Bingo!" Kelly chimed.

"This is Hyurin, we call her H and this is Mia, we call her M." he gave our intro.

"Good. Nice to meet you gals. Welcome abode." Sean greeted and led us towards the bar counter.

"Martinis for the lay-dees." He called for drinks, as I thought to myself: "Day one in Seoul City and it's going just fine."



Heyyyy there Bon-Bons!^^
I decided NOT to END "GyuRin" so I brought Hyurin to Seoul city. ^.^ Hope y'all happy about it, but I am still not sure if Mingyu and Hyurin should meet again. Well, what do you guys think?

Comment down your thoughts and see ya tomorrow, until then...

[IMAGINE: You are suffering from sniffles, but you are dying to have an ice cream. You ask Mingyu to get a Dead-by Chocolate for you, but he declines. You angrily storm into your room and bury your head on a pillow. He quietly sits beside you and then pulls you into a hug. "Babe, you're sick. You can't have an ice-cream, but..." he flashes you a mischievous grin and you give him a confused look. "But?" you ask. "But you can have me." He winks and pins you underneath him. He crashes his lips on yours but shortly pulls back. "Tastes better than an ice cream?" he smirks. You simply nod. "Want more?" you nod again. "Then you know what to do. Vote babe, and I'll let you have all of me."]

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