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Hyurin's POV:

"Thank you so much for the lovely date Mingyeww." I pressed my lips deeply on those gorgeous lips he possesses.

"It's just the beginning." He kissed me back, clasping his hands on my hips.

"Okay now I need to go home, I have an interview for a job at a club." I reminded, causing his face to form a cute frown.

"I really want you to leave this profession Hyu." He spoke intertwining his finger tips with mine.

"I know...but this is the only thing I am good at." I looked down at my foot.

"You are much more than this, you just need to discover your hidden talents. I just know it." He kissed my forehead.

"Okay." I heaved a breath and hugged his lean torso.

"I gotta go for now." I gave him a tight-lip smile.

"Okay" he said, placing a peck on my smile.


Sheerin's POV:

"I can't believe our wedding is next week." I said as we headed back to our apartment from shopping.
We were suppose to have an Engagement but as Wonwoo proposed me for marriage yesterday so instead of Engagement which was suppose to be held next week, our parents suggested we get married.

"I know right? We got so many arrangements yet to be done." Wonu spoke.

"I still haven't found the perfect wedding dress." I pouted.

"Hope you are not planning to wear white blazer, white blouse and white pencil skirt with white toms." Wonu ridiculed, earning a glare from me, which caused Wonu to raise his hands for defense.

"Anyway I need to be somewhere, so you go home with our driver, i'll catch you up later alright?" He said.

"Ya sure, even I need to meet a friend. I might be out when you come back." I informed, and gestured the driver to stop the car.

"Okay babe, I'll see you later." He gave me slight peck on my lip and slid out of the car.

Wonwoo's POV:

I can't wait to invite my 12 best mates for our wedding.
The dorm was only a few blocks away so I chose to walk, hoping I wont be mobbed by fans or paparazzi.

Just when I was approaching my destination. I saw.... Sheerin. With.... Mingyu. Again...?

"But Sheerin said she'll be going to meet a friend. Did- did she lie to me?" I thought to myself.

My blood boiled when I saw them embracing into a tight hug followed by a kiss.

"This time... they're DEAD." I paced up my footsteps forming my hand into a fist.


Mingyu's POV:

"I gotta go for now." Hyu gave me a tight-lip smile.

"Okay" I said, placing a peck on my smile one last time and then she walked away.

"God! She's amazing." I thought, as I ran my hand through my hair and smiled like an idot.

Just when I was about to walk towards the dorm, a strong blow landed on my jaw, causing me to stoop on the ground.

"Owh! What the fcuk man!" I yelped clutching my jaw. I looked up to a furious Wonwoo, clenching his fist. Why'd he hit me so hard? Is it because I secretly ate all his favorite snacks last night?


"Wha-ttt? Who are you talking about?" I somehow managed to get up. Still clucthing my jaw, the right corner of my lip bleeding.

"Rin!! I'm talking about Rin!! For how long have you been screwing my would-be wife??" He gripped the collar of my shirt.

"Rin? Your would-be wife?" I was bamboozled.

"Yes!" He yelled.

Does- does that mean... Hyu- Hyurin is double crossing me? Double crossing us? I never let her profession doubt our bond. I trusted her. I treated her like she's my one and only. The girl of my dreams, the girl I.... love.

"I saw you kissing her at the club and I saw you kissing her now. Why would you do that to me Mingyu? I thought we were Best Friends. Why would you sleep around with SHEERIN??" He yelled again, nearly tearing off the collar of my shirt.

Wait what- SHEERIN??!! That made me snap me out of my train of thoughts.

"Sheerin??" I asked scrunching up my eyebrows in confusion.

"Yes. SHEERIN!" He eyes were bloodshot red with anger.

"Hyung! You are strongly mistaken. I haven't been screwing around with any girl named Sheerin." I tried to solve his issue.

"You think I'm blind? If that girl who you just kissed isn't Sheerin, then who is?" He clenched his jaw.

"Hyu-Hyurin.... Her name is Hyurin." I answered. Wiping the blood from my lip.

"You think i'm gunna believe that shit?" He smirked ridiculously. He withdrew his phone from his pocket and displayed a picture of a girl, who looked just like Hyurin, but Hyu never wears pencil skirts and toms.

"Tell me this is NOT the girl you just kissed." He shoved his phone screen on my face.

"Yes! I kissed her, but her name is NOT Sheerin, its Hyurin and she never wears pencil skirts and toms." I pulled out my phone from my pocket and displayed a photo of Hyurin wearing a low cut dress.

"Wow! A respectful billionaire's daughter sure can look like a stripper." He spat.

"But she.... she is a stripper by profession." I said.

"Wait..... what? A billionaire's daughter?" I added as I raised my eyebrow in disbelief.

"Yes, she is the one I told you and Hyungs about. She is the daughter of The Lee Minho. She is Lee Sheerin." Wonu spoke.

"But Hyurin is an orphan. I met her in New York."
Oh lord, this is mind boggling! WHAT'S HAPPENING??

"We love eachother, she'd never do that to me." I spoke in pure shock.

"So you mean.. she is the love of your life?" Wonu questioned.

".... and your potential wife?" I questioned back.

"Man, I just can't believe that we've been messing 'round with the SAME damn GIRL." We sighed in unison.

I was wordless. I felt like I've been stabbed on my back, over and over again.

"She needs to get BUSTED! That bitch NEEDS TO GET BUSTED!" Wonwoo kicked the flower pot lying on the porch.

"Constantly she's been lying to us." Wonwoo gritted his teeth.

"Man! I really don't like the way that she's been going about it.
Hyung what you think that we should do about it?" I asked.

"Just tell her to meet up with you and I'm gunna to show up too and she won't know what to do. Mingyu we're going to bust this trick." I nodded as Wonwo Hyung hatched a plan.



OMIGOD!! Some much of misconception. Lol.
I'm sorry for updating late. I'm going throught writer's block.

Anyway I got an IMAGINE for you 😆

[IMAGINE convincing Mingyu to your model for the photo shoot. "Mingyu please? You're so handsome, I want to take pictures of you" you plead. "Flattery will get you nowhere love" Mingyu answered with a laugh. "Please Mingyu i'm begging you" you whine with that puppy dog eyes Mingyu wrapped his arms around your waist and pressed your foreheads together. "Fine (Y/N), I'll do it, but first... you need to Vote and Comment, love."]

Crappy imagine I know but Pleaseeee vote and comment. 😙😙

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