eleventh chapter (11)

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Felix woke up and realized he wasn't in his own room. Felix sat up and looked around and saw he was sleeping in Chan's room. Chan were sleeping all cuddled up next to him. Felix didn't remember that he were in Chan's room before he fell asleep. Oh well, Felix thought. I was very tired last night so I maybe were in Chan's room. I don't remember much anyway...
Felix left Chan and walked to his room. It was around 1:00 AM, so he thought he'll just sleep in his room.

Felix noticed that someone were walking around and got a little scared. Who would be awake at this hour? Felix followed whoever it was to see where he were going. Felix followed the person around and around. The person didn't stop walking and he didn't seem to notice that Felix were right behind him. Felix wondered if the person maybe were sleepwalking. If so, he needed to get the person to his room without waking him up. If you wake up sleepwalkers, they can get really scared and maybe get a heart attack.

Felix tried to see the person's face but it was too dark to see, so he just kept following him so he wouldn't hurt anyone or anything. Suddenly the person stopped walking. Felix tried to see who it was and now he saw that it was Jisung! Felix were a little shocked that HE would be sleepwalking. Then Felix got even more shocked. Jisung weren't even sleepwalking! He had his eyes open and were staring right at Felix.

"Why are you awake at this hour?" Jisung asks. 

"I..." Felix were still shocked and didn't know what to answer. "I...Don't know? Why are you awake?"

Jisung let out a sigh. 

"Look, can you keep a secret?" Jisung asked. "Cuz I can't really tell you if you can't"

"Of course I can, whatsup?" Felix said curious of what Jisung were gonna tell him.

"So you remember the dare that I gave Minho?" Jisung hesitated a little. "So umm....he did it just like he promised to..."

"Oh really? Do you know who?" Felix asks exited.

"Well that's the thing...He did it on me" Jisung says, scratching his neck. "And umm...Should I really say this?"

"Come on, you can tell me! We are both september babies and we were born on basically the same day" Felix begged. "Wait he did it on you??"

"Uh, yes he did..." Jisung blushed. "And I maybe kinda want another kiss"

"From anyone?" Felix said confused. "Or from Minho?"

"From Minho." Jisung looked down and began to shake a little.

Felix didn't think Jisung would say THIS kind of thing to him. Of course Felix had felt like Jisung and Minho had something that only the two of them felt, but he didn't expect Jisung to be the one who wanted more. (This sounds wrong  but I mean like more kisses-)

"Are you in love with him?" Felix asks. 

Jisung looks at him with embarrassed eyes. 

"yes..." Jisung's voice is now shaking. "I am.."

Felix smiled a little and gave Jisung a hug. Felix thought that after Jisung had told him a secret he needs to tell him one too. Felix pulled away from the hug.

"Hey...I also kinda have a secret. If that would cheer you up" Felix says.

Jisung stopped shaking a little bit. He is obviously nervous because of his feelings towards the older. 

"Okay first off: Minho of course likes you back! Like excuse me, but he doesn't stare at you as friends do." Felix says with a chuckle. He isn't the best at love things. "And second: I think one of the members is kinda my type. But I don't think I'm in love with him yet. It may happen tho"

"Really? Do you think he would like me back? And who?" Jisung is speaking normally now. "Don't say it's Minho hyung."

Felix laughed and scratched his neck.

"No no, it's not Minho. It's actually Hyunjin..." Felix blushed a little. "But I'm not in love with him yet. I only think he's kinda handsome. Like he has a lot of charisma and he really are himself. Like his truly self, even if he may seem cold."

"Let's stop there before you start complimenting him all night. We both need to sleep" Jisung said looking at the time. "Let's sleep toghether! I don't think I can fall asleep alone after this"

"Alright" Felix pulled Jisung after him. "Good night then!"

"Good night Lix"



a long chapter. It was worth it though. My tests is over and now I only have chemistry test left- 
I know some fun facts about skz that are sad! I could tell you them:

So y'all know the famous kingdom song "I'll be your man"? Skz made this during Hyunjin's hiatus to show Jay Why Pee that they really miss Hyunjin. While Changbin were going up the stairs, they had a hologram of Hyunjin as a kid. And they sing that "Baby I pray" to show that they want their kid back. They give their hearts and souls to the statue which is Hyunjin, and when they have given their seven hearts and souls, they die and gives life to Hyunjin, that's why the statue at the end is gone. 
I have more sad facts but I'll write them next time!

Have a great day/ night and I LUV YAAAAAAA! <3

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