fifrty-eighth chapter (58)

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"Felix?" Hyunjin pulled away as Felix had let out a small whine after he heard a crack. "Are you okay?"

"yeah...just my back" Felix awkwardly smiled. "It's a bit overworked"

"You gotta take care of yourself, Lixie..." Hyunjin mumbled.

"I am! I just-" Felix got cut off as Hyunjin kissed him again.

Felix kissed him back, feeling a new feeling growing in his stomach. It's a bit more butterflies than normal, he feels a bit hot and--

He quickly pulled away as he recognized the feeling, being a bit flustered.

"What's wrong?" Hyunjin looked at Felix with both worrying and fierce eyes. Felix felt like he was basically a red flower by now, and if possible he was still heating up in his face.

"U-uh..." Felix stuttered, not knowing really what to say.

Hyunjin carefully put his hand under Felix's chin, making Felix's heart do backflips. Or so it felt like.

"You feeling like..." Hyunjin took a short breath before continuing. "...Jisung in twisted?"

That was the final straw for Felix.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!" He screeched out like a fangirl and curled up to a ball.

"Woah, shit, my eardrums" Hyunjin covered his ears. "calm down baby-"


(↑ pronounced howasmshsjelwkjwpk)



"Uh...good question..." Hyunjin smirked. "...maybe by continuing though..?"

Felix felt like a blobfish, opening his mouth only to close it again without any sound coming out.

"should I take that as a yes?" 

Felix hesitantly nodded as he wanted to continue, but wasn't sure how they'd end up.

Hyunjin carefully attached their lips for the third time now, not so innocently anymore. Felix could feel himself give in and go all submissive, making him whine a tiny bit. Hyunjin must've liked that because he bit down on Felix's lower lip, making Felix whine again.

"hm...Hyunjin..." Felix slightly moaned. 

Hyunjin forced his tounge inside Felix's mouth, who instantly welcomed it without thinking twice. (stan twice y'all)

Felix took the opportunity and started slightly sucking on Hyunjin's tounge, and now it was the olders turn to whine. Felix only sucked harder, making Hyunjin moan.

"Felix..." Hyunjin growled. Felix felt pretty satisfied, hearing Hyunjin being submissive.

"Hyunjin.." He only growled back, but with a more playful tone.

Hyunjin pulled away from the kiss, and quickly kissed Felix's neck, making Felix gasp and shiver a bit. Felix's hands roamed around Hyunjin's back, not seeming to find what they want. One snuck underneath Hyunjin's shirt, while the other found it's way to his hair and tangled itself in there.

As one could guess, Hyunjin started sucking Felix's neck, making the blonde moan his name.



"HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO COVER THIS SHIT UP-" Felix screamed. Hyunjin had given him at least 3 very obvious hickeys on his neck, one on his adams apple that was a big contrast on his skin.

"Just use a turtleneck or a scarf, and say that you have a small cold" Hyunjin shrugged. Easy for him to say, he wasn't the one looking like a bottom right now.

Felix muttered something before opening his closet, trying to find a scarf or something. He suddenly felt something nibbling his neck, and when he realized it was Hyunjin he almost slapped him the face. He badly wanted to, but his knees decided to give up and his voice decided to be erotic.

"what the FUCK. are they doing."






Have a great day/ night and I LUV YAA <3 <3 <3

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