Forty-eighth chapter (48)

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Hyunjin glanced at the sleeping angel in his arms every now and then, making sure he was lying comfortably and making sure he was still sleeping. For some reason, Hyunjin himself couldn't sleep. He felt like something was wrong, like something had happened or was gonna happen. He tried to stop thinking of it, but his thoughts always wandered back to the negative spiral he'd created. 

No no no nothing's gonna happen, it's fine, everything's fine, everyone's alright...

Yet he still didn't believe his own words. He started to feel a bit ill for thinking so many negative thoughts, and that feeling  only got worse. He could feel his breath getting quicker and heavier. 

He slapped his hand over his mouth as he felt like throwing up. The older quickly got out of the bed, leaving Felix alone as he ran to the bathroom.

He sat down at the toilet, ready to throw up whenever. However, he never did. He felt ill, but he couldn't get anything out of him. He got a bit scared, not knowing why he felt like this.


Hyunjin looked up slowly, seeing a cute Felix standing in the door.

"Are you okway?" Felix asked sleepily, sounding like a child.

Hyunjin softly smiled, his negative feeling sudddenly gone by Felix's presence.

"Now I am." Hyunjin slowly got up and closed the toilet. "Thank you. Let's go sleep again"

Felix smiled a tired little smile and reached out for Hyunjin's hand to hold it. Hyunjin grabbed his hand sweetly and they began to go back to bed.

"Hyunjinnie..." Felix mumbled as they had gotten back into bed. "I wuv you..."

Hyunjin blushed as he heard this and felt how his heartbeat got quicker. Felix could probably hear it.

"I-I love you too, Lixie..." Hyunjin stuttered before he fell asleep.


"MINMIN!! GET THE F- GET UP!" Jisung shouted while trying to wake Minho up. Today they had decided to first practice both vocal and dance the first half of the day, and then go to the amusement park for yet another date.

"I'm up I'm up..." Minho threw a glance at Jisung before capturing him in his arms and hugging him tightly. "Mine!"

Jisung smiled and slightly blushed. He snuggled closer to his boyfriend and let out a humming sound as a sound of approval.

Suddenly the thought of Felix occupied Jisung's mind. He began to worry and the older must've noticed because he started patting him.

"Calm down, whatever's going inside that little head of yours is probably wrong." He chuckled at himself. "Or if it isn't, it will get better soon. I promise!"

"How, just how?" Jisung looked at Minho with heart eyes. 

"Oh you should know by now, I'm your soulmate and I know every single thing you feel" Minho kissed Jisung on top of his head. "Now, shall we begin our vocal practice?"

"Breakfast first, maybe?" Jisung giggled and got up.

"Oh right, I forgot that existed" Minho lightly facepalmed himself and also got up.


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH-" Jisung collapsed on the floor of the dance practice room. "I'M SO TIRED I COULD DIE-"

"You gotta get up your stamina baby" Minho chuckled (very) attractively while standing over Jisung.

"Shut up!~" Jisung whined. He made eye contact with Minho and slightly blushed. "...and dance with me~"

Minho slowly bent down and smiled at Jisung. 

"Gladly, but you still gotta get your stamina up" He lifted up Jisung and spun around with him ini his arms. "Time for vocal lessons?"

"Sure sure!" Jisung hummed. "Can we visit Felix today, by the way? I miss him"

"Of course, whatever makes you happy" 

"You're so cheesy"

"You love it~"


"AaAahAHgAha" Jisung let out a voice-cracked scream. "My voice is deEEEAad"

"Mine isn't" Minho drank a bit of water from a water bottle he just bought. Jisung pouted.

"Gimme some" He reached for the bottle while Minho slowly backed it away so it was just out of reach for him. "Aye, not kind"

"Yes kind" Minho sassed. "Buy your own, I'm gonna be broke after all them dates."

"You're the one insisting on buying though" Jisung chuckled.





I'm in english class

Sooo another minsung POV hehe

I mean

This fanfic is soon one year old TTwTT



Have a great day/ night and I LUV YAAAA <3 <3 <3

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