Thirteenth chapter (13)

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Hyunjin saw how the blush on Felix's face faded away at the speed of light and how his face instead were getting more white. Hyunjin got worried but before he could ask anything Felix had already got up and were heading for the bathroom. 
Weird, Hyunjin thought. I hope he's not worrying about something all by himself again...Like that time.

'..."Felix are you okay? Or you are not okay but what happened?" Hyunjin asked with worried eyes. "It's nothing *sob* You don't have to worry." Felix sobbed. Hyunjin sat down beside him and put his arm around him. "Lix, if you're crying by yourself something is seriously wrong. Tell me." Hyunjin said with a serious voice. "I would be very worried, more than words can describe, if you wont tell me what have happened." Felix looked at Hyunjin with sad eyes and tears falling down his cheeks. His face were slightly red and his whole body were shaking. "So *sob* I- I..." Felix started crying even more before he could even begin telling what had happened. "Shh...Felix it's alright...Cry as long as you want to, I'll wait." Hyunjin said with a soft voice. Felix nodded and tried to take deep breaths which didn't go too well since he choked and almost couldn't breathe. "Felix, Felix, listen, it's alright okay? Breath in trough your nose and out through your mouth." Hyunjin repeated the last words many times until Felix were breathing kinda normally. "Can you tell me what happened that made you cry?" Felix took a deep breath. "I were having a call with my mom and suddenly she hung up...I tried calling her again but I got to voicemail instead...So I tried calling dad but he didn't answer. And now *sob* I-I I'm really worried..." Felix started crying again. "Hey it's okay. I promise that your parents are alright. They'll call back soon and say that everything is fine. No need to worry." Hyunjin smiled and hugged Felix. Felix hugged back with still shaking arms and kept sobbing for another ten minutes. Soon Felix's phone rang and he answered to hear his mom saying ' the wi-fi suddenly went down, I'm so sorry' Hyunjin smiled a smile that said: 'I told everything's gonna be fine'..."

Hyunjin were quite worried the rest of the day and he think's Chan noticed. 

"Hyunjinnie, what's wrong?" Chan asked. "You seem a little off today."

Hyunjin sighed and didn't know if he should tell Chan or not. If he tells him he may have to explain about his crush and everything so he'd prefer not to.

"What? Nothing, why? I'm just...thinking about some drawings." Hyunjin said with an awkward smile.

"Stop lying Hyunjin." Chan said with crossed arms. "I know something is wrong and I want to know what exactly is wrong"

"Okay then...but we have to talk in private..." Hyunjin said scratching his neck and blushing a little.


At the evening Hyunjin and Chan went to the park so none of the members would hear them or try to eavesdrop.

"So what's up?" Chan asked and tried to look at Hyunjin's eyes.

"I...might have a crush on Felix." Hyunjin said as fast as he could.

"Well I kinda knew that. I mean I know how you look at him and I've seen your drawings of him."

Hyunjin were shocked that Chan had seen his drawings of Felix. He didn't show them to anyone! Or did he? Hyunjin tried to remember.

"There was one time that you forgot to put away your drawing block" Chan explained as if he could read Hyunjin's thoughts.

"oh okay, that makes sense." 

"That wasn't the thing that made you worried" Chan said with a calm voice.

"No it wasn't, how'd you know?" Hyunjin said dramatically.

"I know my members well" Chan simply said. "Now tell me"

"Okay so you remember that time when Felix worried about things all by himself?" Hyunjin asked. "So I think he's doing that again since he turned all white in the face today"

"And when was that?" Chan asked "What were you doing?"

Hyunjin blushed a little at the flashbacks he got and tried to find a little lie to tell Chan. He didn't want him to know exactly everything.

"We were....cuddling and then he suddenly turned really pale and went to the bathroom." Hyunjin said.

"I'll ask him about it tommorrow. For now, we need to sleep." Chan said and started walking home.



and there is NO sad fact for today since it's already too sad! Uh so yeah fast upload I know but you deserve it since I were pRoCrAstinatinG my homework and stuff. So I had to do that.

AnywayYyYs, have a great day/ night and I LUV YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA<3

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