thrity- seventh chapter (37)

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Hyunjin woke up to his alarm, saying it was 5 am. He turned it oof, wanting to go to sleep but then he remembered he was visiting his family today. He was going to see Kkami again!

He got out of bed and streched. He chose his outfit and packed a small backpack with some drawing papers, pencils, his airpods and his iPad + iPen. He almost forgot his charger but quickly grabbed it before getting out of his room.

As expected, Chan was the only one awake. Hyunjin informed him that he was taking his leave now, and would come back by late afternoon. They bid their goodbye's and Hyunjin were off to the trains.

He had lot's of time on his hands, but he wanted to get a good ppace on the train. Or else he would have to sit beside someone he really didn't want to, and that's so annoying.

Hyunjin arrives at the station 6 minutes before the train takes it's leave. He enters and pays for his ticket. The ferret-like male glanced around to see if there were any good seats left. He noticed a perfect window place and quickly placed himself there.

He took out his airpods and put on some music while waiting for the train to take off.
The station looked quite dirty as the sun weren't fully up yet, but it would look nicer with some colors.

Colours...If Hyunjin could he would paint the world in a much better colouring than it is in right now. He thought it looked kind of boring with black and grey and white houses looking the same with apartments looking modern. He would rather have many small colourful houses with nice and comfy inside.

Hyunjin woke up from his thoughts as the train slowly started moving. He turned the volume up a bit, making him swallowed in the music's world. He had his favourite playlist on playing from youtube, since spotify doesn't have those songs.

Hyunjin smiled to himself.

His favourite songs have always been special to him. These songs found him through a close friend, and you can take a guess who it is.

He actually met these songs through Seungmin. Seungmin shared those songs to Hyunjin when Hyunjin once felt worthless. At the time he felt like only Seungmin really cared for him, but now he could feel how everyone cared for him. He mentally facepalmed himself for being so dumb back then.

The train stopped at its first station and made two minute pause.
Hyunjin checked which station it was, seeing that he was not even half way to his parents. He sighed and took out his iPad and iPen from his little bag. He also took out his phone, stopping the music on youtube and turned off his airpods.

He opened his drawing program on his iPad, full off inspiration. He wanted to draw his significant other, in a magical and fairy-like style.
He drew a few random lines and before he knew it, he'd turned the lines into a rough but pretty sketch. He happily hummed and added another layer to do the outline.
As he was struggling to do the details of the hair, someone tapped him on the shoulder making him flinch.

"Hyunjin?" A surprised voice said.

Hyunjin widened his eyes and turned to the voice.

"Yeji!" He said happily, standing up to hug his twin. "What a surprise!"

"I didn't expect to see you here?" She chuckled, hugging her brother tightly. "Are you on your way to mum and dad?"

"I am! You too?" Hyunjin smiled. Yeji nodded, all smily.

"May I sit with you?" She asked.

"Of course!" Hyunjin sat down in his seat and made place for Yeji.

"Woah." Yeji glanced at Hyunjin's art on the iPad. "Someone improved overnight"

"I don't know how that happened, must've been a miracle actually" Hyunjin shrugged. He really had no idea how he got so good at drawing in less than a few months.

"Wait I recognize that side profile" Yeji mumbled. "Isn't that one of the members?"

"Uh yeah" Hyunjin slightly blushed. "It's Felix"

Yeji light up.

"Oh but I know him!" She said excitedly. "We've hung out some times"

"Oh really? I never knew about that" Hyunjin thought the last part out loud. "Are you two close?"

"Oh no, don't even start" Yeji rolled her eyes at Hyunjin. "Come on, I have Ryujin"

Hyunjin widened his eyes and blushed even more, feeling embarrassed that his sister knew he was slightly jealous.

"Haha, I haven't even thought about taking him" Yeji chuckled. "You gotta control your jelousy Jinnie!"

Hyunjin only nodded feeling a bit flustered and at the same time trying not to fall down to the floor rolling around laughing at himself.
My chapters are becoming longer? Dayum!
Well well, let's see what goes on in the next chapter, shall we?

Have a great day/ night and I LUV YAA<3<3<3<3

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