fifty-fourth chapter (54)

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"May I take your order hottie?"

Ah. There she is, Felix thought as he leaned frontwards a bit.

"Yes, I'll have an iced americano please" Minho spoke, smiling a bit knowing that this was the girl they were searching for. Also knowing that the girl had pretty obviously asked Hyunjin.

The girl tried her best to not roll her eyes, but failed to do so as she sighed and looked at Minho with a very fake smile.

"One iced americano, is that all for you?" She asked him with an irritating light voice.

"I'll also have an iced americano!" Jisung quickly said, not wanting her to go away just now. "And a plain cheesecake, now that I think about it-"

"two iced americanos, one plain cheesecake." Winter mumbled as she turned back to Hyunjin and Felix, mostly Hyunjin. "And you?"

"Oh- Uh- I'll have a strawberry sundae" Hyunjin stumbled a bit over his words as he was trying his best not to sound like his voice was dripping of venom and hatred straight from hell. "what about you, angel?"

Hyunjin nudged Felix in the side, signaling him to order.

"I'll have a cookie dough ice cream" He said while slightly glaring at Winter, she doing the same back to him.

Winter nodded with a sarcastic smile to Felix and was about to go away when Minho quickly added a vanilla pudding to his order.

"Who's paying for all this?" Minho asked everyone (mostly Jisung).

"Can we just share the bill?" Felix suggested. "We're all have about one thing each so"

"Sounds good" Jisung agreed as he fiddled with the end of his sweater paws.

"Mkay" Hyunjin said, everyone noticing how his veins are popping out on his hands who were glued together.

"Calm down~" Felix whispered to Hyunjin, not wanting him to spend his time eating sundae while being in a bad mood. 

Hyunjin took a deep breath as some kind of answer and let his hands rest on Felix's thigh, him immediatly relaxing into the touch.

Felix patted Hyunjin's back softly, feeling how Hyunjin also relaxed into his touch.

"Here, two iced americanos, one plain cheesecake, a vanilla pudding, a cookie dough ice cream and a strawberry sundae~" Winter interrupted their moment as she placed all the things on their table and came a little too close to Hyunjin while puffing up her chest a little too much to the guys' liking. "I hope it tastes~"

"Thank you~" Felix said with a wide smile that anyone would believe is kind if they didn't know the reason behind it. Hyunjin could see the knifes Felix shot in Winter, using his lovely smile. That lovely smile could make anyone feel guilty for something they didn't even do. Or make them fall for him.

"U-uh, no problem" Winter stuttered as she hurried from there.

"Do we even need to do anything, that smile did all the work" Jisung said as soon as the girl was gone.

"True, but her ego need to go down a bit" Felix didn't like how she still seemed to think that Hyunjin was hers. "and that's your special talent in this case"

Jisung grinned.

"You know, we may seem like the sunshines that would never hurt anybody" He said with a voice that seemed a bit more dominant than his normal voice. "but we may be the ones that could actually do the worst if we needed and wanted to"

Hyunjin and Minho only stared at their partnes as they giggled like two babies. They were a bit shocked that the two sunshines of the group seemed this eager to do something...bad.

"You seem as if you've talked about this many times before" Minho said with a tiny bit of suspicion hinted in his voice.

Jisung and Felix seemed to tense for only a quarter of a second before they relaxed again, remembering they were with their boyfriends.

"Oh you know, best friend talk" Jisung waved with his hand as if shooing away the topic and started eating on his cheesecake.

"What he said" Felix agreed with Jisung and started eating his ice cream while smiling secretly.

No revenge yet...

but next chapter MUHAUHAUHAUHus



For those who want to, you can make fanarts of this fanfic-
I  often ask if I can make fanarts of different fanfics I like so yeh I thought if any of you did the same but didn't have the courage to ask I might as well just say it here <3

Have a great day/ night and I LUV YAA <3 <3 <3 

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