Seventeenth chapter (17)

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Hyunjin stared at Felix, waiting for an answer. Felix stared back with some silent tears falling downs his cheeks. Felix didn't know what to do, what to say and the fact that he had only a towel wrapped around himself like a girl made the moment worse.
Hyunjin sat down infront of him and looked at him with hurt eyes. He didn't know Felix were doing this. He felt how he also started crying and he felt so sad that his love, his angel, his sunshine, were close to hurt himself and that he were dealing with it himself made the thing only worse.

"Hyunnie, why are you crying?" Felix said with a soft and tired voice. "You don't have reason to"

Hyunjin sobbed and saw Felix smile a sad smile. Why'd he do that? Hyunjin were worried to death what would have happened if he didn't break down the door and find Felix passed out. What if he didn't wake him up? What would've happened if he didn't?

"W...Why would y-you *sob* hurt youreslf?" Hyunjin asked while crying. "I don't want you to get hu-hurt!"

"Don't you like Chan?" Felix said with a robot voice. Hyunjin just stared at him. "I mean you got angry when you saw how Chan catched me yesterday."

Hyunjin remember Chan catching Felix and he also remember getting jealous because of Chan holding Felix so close. How could Felix think he liked Chan?! Hyunjin thought about saying no, he liked someone else but thought that this would be a good excuse so he wouldn't be exposed.

"Uuh...yeah. I like Chan." Hyunjin said, trying to look like he weren't lying. "Sorry if I made you upset."

"It's alright." Felix said and got up. "Get out, I'm getting my clothes on. We'll leave soon too."

Hyunjin slowly walked out of Felix's room and kept crying a little. Not much this time but because of how he regretted saying he liked Chan. But he knew that Felix wouldn't probably like him back since he'd seen him be very cuddly with both Chan and Changbin. 

Hyunjin opened the door to his room and just fell on the bed, crying. He felt his heart breaking, because he knew he'd done something wrong by lying to his love and because his love were close to hurting himself and were also passed out on the cold, dirty floor with wet hair and a knife beside him.


Hyunjin looked up and saw Minho standing at the door. He laid down again and kept crying. Minho walked towards him and slowly patted him while sitting down. He waited until Hyunjin felt like there weren't any water left in him to cry and how he got a headache because of all the crying.

"Why are you crying?" Minho asked with a surprisingly soft voice.

"Felix, he..." Hyunjin tried to catch his breath. "He were passed out...and then he...I"

Hyunjin explained everything from the beginning. He started from where he'd first talked with Chan, at the park.

"Why'd you lie?" Minho asked. "He would like you back"

"And what makes you so sure?" Hyunjin said, not trusting him.

"Hannie said it."

"And why would you belive everything he says?"

"Cuz I love him-" Minho slapped himself. "I mean, cuz almost everything he says is true!"

"Are you in love with him?" Hyunjin asked, in a little better mood this time.

"Okay I need to make one thing clear." Minho cleared his throat. "Hannie likes me, it's not me who likes him."

"Then why are you blushing while talking about him"

Minho blushed even more and finally accepted that he liked Jisung. Hyunjin and Minho kept talking about eachothers crushes and with eachother about random useless things until Hyunjin felt a little better and so he could play normal in front of camera at 'after school club'.

hello short chapter bcuz I'm supposed to do homework-


Have a great day/ night and I LUV YAAAAAAAAAAAA<3

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