Fifteenth chapter (15)

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Hyunjin felt like it took forever for Chan to talk with Felix. He were in his room and trying to think of something else but he kept staring at the wall and worrying. (I know everyone have done this at least one time-)
What if it's something really serious like he's been threatened?! Or what if something happened to his parents for real this time? Hyunjin could think of too many things that could've happened. He tried thinking of some kind of food or maybe some funny moments or anything. Suddenly the Hyunlix story popped up inside of his head. He remembered that scene when they wrote how he confessed to Felix. Hyunjin blushed and felt a little awkward even though he was alone in his room. He also remembered that they wrote that Felix answered by giving him a kiss. And that they were standing under a cherry blossom tree. A perfect place, perfect time at sunset, perfect couple...
Hyunjin snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a knock on his door.

"Uh- yes?" Hyunjin said. Chan came in and closed the door behind him. "'re done?"

"Yeah we're finished talking" Chan said. "It was nothing that serious, he were just a little confused about something. We've talked it out and we have made plan A and plan B."

"Oh! Then it wasn't anything that could affect his life, I suppose." 

" could affect his life but maybe not the way you think of." Chan said, scrathing his neck.

"What do you mean?" Hyujin asks confused. Chan sighed and tried not look as happy as he was.

"You...could just ask him maybe? Or I think he'll tell you when he wants to." Chan looked into Hyunjin's eyes. "I don't have the permission to tell you, I'm sorry. But he's all good, don't worry."

Chan left the room and Hyunjin were again staring at the wall, lost in his thoughts. What could affect Felix's life but not in a bad way? Hyunjin didn't realize he'd been sitting on his bed staring at the wall for almost one hour and a half until someone knocked on the door.

"Yes?" Hyunjin said, wodering who it is. Felix's head popped out from behind the door with a shining smile. "Ah, hey Lixie~"

"Hai! I umm...wanted to read the Hyunlix fanfiction! Could we do that now please?" Felix said with a cute puppy face and scrathing his neck.
At first Hyunjin didn't understand what Felix meant. What fanfiction? Then he remembers and facepalm himself.

"What? Is that a no?" Felix looked a little sad.

"No no...I mean it's a yes but at first I didn't remember the fanfiction...." Hyunjin said with a chuckle.

"Whaaat?! How can you not remember the fanfiction that's about you and beautiful little me?!" Felix said dramatically while doing a hairflip.

"Hah are really beautiful. But let's start reading!" Hyunjin said and patted beside him to tell Felix to sit down.


Hyunjin looked at the time and saw that it was 7:14 pm. He looked at Felix who were still reading and wondered if he should tell him or not. He decided that he should watch him until he notices and then tell him. That's a win-win. Win because he could watch him more and win because he could have an excuse to looking at him.
Felix turned his head to Hyunjin and almost kissed him by accident because they were closer than he thought.

"OH MY GOD- I'M SORRY-" Felix almost shouted.

"No no it's okay. OR NO I- I MEAN IT'S OKAY AS AN ACCIDENT NOT AS...You- you know..." Hyunjin mumbled and blushed, looking down.

He felt how Felix were staring at him and how he really wanted to look back, but he knew that if he looked back he would look like a blushing mess, more than looks like one now.



Felix chuckled and patted him like he was a pet.

"We have to go eat now or else we wont be able to sleep!"

Hyunjin's reaction to Felix patting him were priceless. He froze and started blushing slowly as a snail. He felt how is mouth were slightly open and his lips were dry, but he couldn't move and didn't want to either.
He felt something on his cheek and tried to look at Felix, but he were already gone. 'What was that...?' Hyunjin thought.
New chapter and its number 15!!! WohoooOo congratulations! No just kidding it's not much.
Hope you all are doing okay and I just want to say that I miss comments on my chapters :( I really like when you comment because it makes me feel like someone is talking to me :/ (I don't need you to comment, you can be silent readers if you want to)
Yeh that's all and see you next time I guess-

Have a great day / night and I LUV YAAAAAAAAAAAA <3

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