Preference 20- You Come Home Crying, (LOUIS AND ZAYN)

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You Come Home Crying, (LOUIS AND ZAYN)

**Sorry I haven't updated in a while! These preferences will be quite long so I'm doing them not seperatley but not all in one**

Louis: You pretty much run home, all the way from work. All day at work your boss has been on the booze, and when he's on the booze he gets aggressive. All day you've been shouted at for doing nothing, you've been pushed and called names you've not even heard of. You get home, open the door and step in, glad to be in a surrounding where you know you're going to be appreciated. You sink down the door panel and put your head on your knees. Sobbing quietly, you don't want to go back to work, you'll do anything to stay at home with Louis. You don't even notice the three boys sat on the settee as you come in. It's not until they're all by your side. "(Y/N)? (Y/N), are you okay? Babe, stand up." Louis tries to hush you as your breathing becomes uneven. He tries to lift you to your feet. You feel weak. As soon as he has you on your feet you fall into his arms, crying hard. "What's happened?" You hear Harry's voice. Louis shoulders lift then drop down, you assume he shrugged. "(Y/N), tell me what happened." He pulls you away from him and you wipe your eyes, black mascara smearing all over your face, "I don't want to go back to work tomorrow. I want to stay at home." Louis sighs; he knows that you've had trouble with your boss in the past. "What did he do now?"

"He was drinking, then he started pushing me around, literally. Then he started shouting at me in front of all the customers then he pushed me onto the floor and said I was worthless." You sniffle and put your hair behind your ear, "am I worthless?" you whisper to him, looking him dead in the eyes. He hugs you close, "no, babe no. You're not." He strokes your hair as you hear him whisper, "If I get my hands on him..." He tells you to go over with Harry and Niall; they take you over to the settee while Louis goes out. Probably to talk some sense into the man.

Zayn: You're sat in your room, Zayn's in the bathroom. You were walking back from meeting up with your friends when a group of fans came up and insulted you. They got to you because you're quite an insecure person. Zayn's probably doing his hair so you try and calm yourself down before he gets out. He comes out after five minutes and you're still sat there with tears streaming down your face. "Boo? (Y/N), what's happened? When did you get back?" You stand up and get something to cool your face down, "about ten minutes ago." You answer him. He walks over to you and tilts your face to make you look at him, "Why are you crying?"

"It's nothing, really. I was just walking home and I fell that's all." You said trying to shake yourself up and forget about it. But that fails. Zayn can see right through you. "No, you didn't. Tell me the truth." He says, crossing his arms tightly over his chest. You sigh, "okay, I don't want to make a big deal about it. But on the way home from Georgia's, a group of fans came up to me and started to insult me, saying that I'm nothing compared to what Perrie was." You look down at your thumbs intertwining with one another. "What did you do?" He asks, trying to get you to look at him. You scoff, "I turned round and slapped them. Zayn what the hell do you think I did? I just kept on walking but they followed me until I got to round the corner from the flat." He sighs and goes to get his phone, "Zayn what are you doing?" You ask him, chasing after him. You watch him pick his phone up and click on the blue twitter icon. "You dare." You growl at him. "This needs to stop (Y/N). You can't get treated like this just because I'm not there." You try to snatch his phone off him but he shakes you off. It takes him a minute to send the tweet then he shows you what he's wrote.

'@zaynmalik, (Y/N) told me what some of you said to her on the way home. Needs to stop. She's going to be around for a while so grow up and accept her.'

You smile at him, "thank you." He leans in and plants a kiss on your lips, "anything for my boo." He says giving you a hug.

**7+votes for the next one, which is Liam and Niall by the way. I won't be able to update until... saturday now because I'm at a friends tomorrow then I'm out all day on Friday. SORRY!**

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