Niall Horan Imagine For Ouejen!

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Niall Horan Imagine For Jenine, (Ouejen) Meeting.


I must seem awfully miserable sat down at one of the biggest rugby matches whilst everyone else stands. It's Ireland playing at home and my brother insisted that I joined him. I really didn't want to spend an afternoon surrounded by drunken men singing and shouting. I sit and play with my coat zip, it's freezing. Almost everyone there has a plastic cup in their hand filled with cool beer, I would much rather have a nice warm coffee cup. I look around and a small smile creeps onto my face as I see children cheering and holding up Ireland flags and scarves. My eyes travel back to the players running around, passing the ball to one another. My mind is interrupted by a cool breeze settling on the top of my head, wafting a few pieces of my brown hair around. I realise that my beanie had fallen off; I reach down and pick it up, placing it back on top of my head. I shudder slightly wrapping my coat around me, trying to get warm again but there's something that just doesn't feel right.

The match finishes with an enormous cheer from the crowd, Ireland have won and almost everyone is jumping around. There are a few other boring ones like myself who are still sat down. We all wait about fifteen minutes for the doors to open then everyone starts making their way out. I grab onto my brothers arm and he looks down at me and gives me a warm smile. He knows I'm slightly worried because I know how dangerous these things can be. As we start walking out of our row of seats I look around and see just how many people are piling out of the stadium doors. I jump slightly as I stand on an empty plastic cup, the harsh crinkling sound sending chills down my spine. I just grab onto my brothers arm tighter, not wanting to let go.

We finally make our way to the steps to get out of the stadium; I let out a sigh of relief and let go of my brothers arm. Staying right behind him though, almost like im stuck to him with glue. As we start walking down the steps and catching the crowd I suck in a deep breath, thinking about all the children who are going to get caught in this mess. Maybe their parents kept them back in the stands until it all died down? Maybe I should of done that.. I skim the crowd looking for any children, I only land on a few and they only look a few years younger than me, and they're with a parent so they'll be fine. I don't even realise but we're already making our way out, my jacket is brushing harshly across the wall next to me. Im right on the outside of this mess.. I think to myself. I'm rapidly pulled from my thoughts as a heavy foot lands on the back of my boot and trips me over. Sending me down to the cold, unwelcoming concrete floor. I let out a small yelp as I hit the floor, my knees aching. I snap my head up quickly looking for my brother, I cant see him anywhere. Panic settles in and I start to try and get back up but it's useless, I just get pushed back down. Before I know it tears are falling from my eyes and my body is quivering with fear. My hands search the wall for something to grab onto but there's nothing. Just as I'm about to get up I feel a strong grip on my arm and my head jolts up towards the stranger, all I can see is a bit of blond because my vision is clouded with tears. The stranger helps me back up onto my feet, grabbing my hand in theirs as soon as I'm safely back on my feet. I use my free hand to wipe my eyes; I take a look at the stranger and recognise him as Niall, Niall Horan. "thank you." I speak to him as he takes his hand away from my hand, causing me to worry but then everything settles as he places his hand on my waist and pulls me closer to him. "You're okay, don't worry." He speaks strongly as we approach the doors. My tears have subsided now and I'm calm as I can see a lot of space a head of us. We eventually make it out of the doors and Niall pulls me over to one side, letting go of my waist. "Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" I shake my head no and he nods his head, smiling slightly.

"Thank you so much, you have no idea how thankful I am, I mean if.." He quickly cuts me off and gives me a hug. "don't mention it sweetheart." I hug him back and let the people file past us. I break the hug as I realise that my brother is probably worried and wondering where I am. I start looking for him, quite frantically actually and I think this strikes a few questions in Niall's mind. "Have you lost someone?" He asks, moving so he's stood next to me. I nod my head, still searching for my brother, "yeah, my brother. He's just a little taller than me, he had an Ireland flag round his neck." It doesn't really help as I look and realise that most people have Ireland flags round their neck. "damn. Sorry." I say, laughing slightly, I'm making a right fool of myself in front of Niall. "Jenine!" I hear a familiar voice shout for me. I look around and try and find where the voice is coming from. I finally see my brother come into view and I run and hug him. He hugs back immediately. He checks me over making sure that I haven't hurt myself. I quickly reassure him that I'm fine. "How did you get out?" He asks me, I turn and gesture towards Niall. "Mate.." My brother starts and shakes Niall's hand, a huge smile plastered all over his face, "thank you so much." My brother almost seems star struck; I'll remember to remind him about this in a few years time. Niall returns the warm smile and then looks to me, nodding slightly. "Can I go buy you a beer or something to say thank you?" My brother offers, I thank him mentally, I really want to get to know Niall. "You sure? I mean, you don't need to, I cant let a girl get hurt, especially one as beautiful as your sister." Niall turns and looks at me, smirking slightly. I can feel myself blushing; I try not to make eye contact with my brother as I know it will be awkward. "Yeah, sure. C'mon." My brother gestures and leads us off to the bar area of the stadium, which is surprisingly very fancy. I shrug my jacket off and sit down, Niall taking a seat next to me and my brother sitting next to Niall. Niall tells him his order and my brother happily buys it for him. I order water since I'm not a big drinker. As I take a sip Niall turns to me as my brother chats away to someone about the game. "So." He starts, his blue eyes twinkling slightly, "do you think I could get your number so I can see how you're holding up?" Smooth Niall... I smile sweetly at him and put my water down on the bar, searching for my phone. When I find it I pull my contact details up and gladly tell Niall my phone number.

**Oh my gosh im so sorry that I got carried away with that. I hope that was okay for you Jenine! I'm thinking of starting a pregnancy series, I have all the ideas ready im just wondering who would be interested in reading them!**

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