Preference 50- You Tell Him You're Pregnant, (PART2,LOU&Z.)

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You Tell Him You're Pregnant, (MIXEDPOV&PART2.):

Louis: (HIS POV) I've been sat in Starbucks for an hour; they're just about to close. Whilst I've been sat here I've been contemplating whether to go back home. (Y/N)'s probably distraught. I know, I know that I shouldn't have said that to her but come on, I'm in my early twenties and (Y/N) is still a teenager. I can't think like that. We've been together for a very long time and not once has children come up in one of our conversations. I love her so much but my anger couldn't be contained when she told me that she was pregnant. It's just then that I realise that I must of sounded so unsupportive. It's not me that's going to be put under a lot of stress, it's (Y/N). I jump up from my seat and run out, a light drizzle is starting so I run to the car, I can tell the rain is going to pour down. I start the car up straight away and drive home, it takes about fifteen minutes and I'm worried that by the time I get back (Y/N) wont be there anymore. Thankfully, when I pull up on the drive all the lights are still on.

(YOUR POV): I hear his car pull up, my heart skips a beat. He's going to come in and shout at me isn't he? If he does, I'll just pretend to be asleep. The rain is bouncing down, deafening my thoughts out. I suppose that's a good thing because there's too many of them. The door opens then shuts softly, is this a sign that he's calmed down? Just after the door shuts he runs upstairs. My heart starts to race faster, I prop myself up on the headboard, trying to calm myself down. Louis enters the room and as soon as he sees me I can tell that he feels guilty. "(Y/N)..." He starts, coming to sit down next to me. He looks me in the eye, not loosing eye contact with me. "I know, I know this is going to be rough and tricky, for you. And I'm sorry with the way I reacted, I shouldn't of but you know, it's a shock. I think it's been a shock to both of us." I listen to every word he says, nodding because I know it's going to be a tricky journey but the outcome will just be amazing. "But...." You urge, there's a but coming and I know it. "But.." He starts, smiling before saying, "I think it's going to be the best journey I've ever been on, and I'm going to be there every step of the way." He whispers as he moves closer and kisses you. The thought of being parents doesn't settle in, but like Louis says, the journey will be amazing.

Zayn: (YOUR POV) Zayn and I haven't spoken a word to each other since last night. I didn't make an effort, neither did he so we both just left each other alone. I went to bed straight away that night, normally we would talk about what we'd done that day; just have a little chat... but nothing. I went to bed but Zayn never came. I think he slept downstairs. When I lay my head down on the pillow I thought things over, I wondered whether I should of gone downstairs and said something to him but then I thought, no. I'm not going to. I have nothing to apologise for. I woke up at half past seven, not exactly but I like to round up. Zayn was still asleep when I went down to get my breakfast, I didn't wake him, he didn't even move. I had a quick bite to eat then made my way out. I knew that the pharmacy opened early so I made my way there. I bought a pregnancy test, I paid with trembling hands and the lady who served me gave me a small smile, almost as if she felt sorry for me. I went to the public toilets and took the test, I hated the idea of peeing on a stick but I have to know. We have to know. I read somewhere a while ago that you have to wait about three minutes before the results come up, I don't know if that's true or not. After five minutes, I'm still sat in the stall, listening to people coming in, chatting and flushing toilets. After five long minutes I check the test. My stomach tightens and feels like it's competing in the Olympic Gymnastics, positive. Seeing that little pink cross makes me cry, floods of tears gush from my eyes. Before I leave the toilets I make sure I freshen myself up, make it look like I haven't just come back positive with a positive from a pregnancy test...

(ZAYN'S POV) I wake up on the settee, it takes me a few minutes to gather why I'm there but then it all comes back to me. I sit up and stretch, wondering why the house seemed so quiet. I get up and walk upstairs, going over everything that I said to (Y/N) last night. I sounded like an ass, I admit. I wonder, if Eleanor told Louis that she was pregnant, how would he react? Would Louis react like I did? My foot hits the top step and I glance into the bedroom that me and (Y/N) share, she's not there but the bed is made perfectly. I look at the clock that's on her side of the bed, it reads 8:57am. It's too early. I wonder if (Y/N) left me because she thinks that I was going to leave her? I really hope not. All of my negative thoughts are pushed aside as the door to our flat opens. (Y/N)'s home. I run downstairs, as soon as she shuts her door I cradle her in my arms. "I'm so sorry." I whisper to her, she laughs. "I have something to show you." She says as she pushes me off of her, gently though. She pulls her bag open and pulls out a white stick. She hands it to me and I look, a little pink cross. "So, this means..." I start off, making eye contact with (Y/N) because she's crying again. "Yeah, I'm pregnant." She cries, along with myself. I hug her again, she's shaking, she won't stop. "(Y/N), I'm not leaving." I speak. She seems to calm down, she stops shaking and then her tears eventually subside. "You're not?" She sniffles, burying her head deeper into my neck. "No, of course not, I love you." I tell her, I hate seeing her upset. "I thought over what I said last night and I'm sorry, I said that at the heat of the moment and I didn't mean any of it. I know that it's going to be hard for both of us and I'm sorry that I put that across in such a stupid way." I tell her, hoping that she'll understand. (Y/N) doesn't say anything though, she just stands there and starts to rock back and forth, I know she understands. I can tell.

**Okay, well, I know these are probably absolutely crap but I had to rush this one, there will be the other three coming soon! I just need to think of some ideas for them. I have a question, has anyone read looking for Alaska or the fault in our stars? I'm going to order them but I need to know if they're any good! Thank you for reading! 8+votes for the next ones!:D**

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