Preference 26- He Yells At You, (NIALL&HARRY).

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He Yells At You, (NIALL&HARRY):

Niall: The music's almost deafening you; you're stood right at the front of the club with Niall and everyone else. You start to feel really claustrophobic. Like the walls to the room are caving in. "Niall," You shout over the music, you tap him on the shoulder and he turns around, "Can we go?" you shout again. He moves closer to you for you to say it in his ear, "Can we go please?" You say again, getting really annoyed.

"No, we've not been here long."

Four hours you've been here. Four. Hours. "Fine, you can walk home." You push him as you start to walk away. You make it through the crowd of people before you feel someone tug on your arm; you turn round and see Niall. "What's your problem? Why are you acting like my mother?"

"Niall, I'm tired, we've been here four hours." You huff, trying to get him to come home.

He rolls his eyes, "Are you kidding? Stop being an uptight bi-"

Slap. Niall's obviously very drunk because he wouldn't even dream of swearing at you. You slap him in front of all of his mates. You don't feel the slightest bit mad anymore. He deserved that.

Harry: "Again? Seriously..." You mumble, looking at Harry grabbing his keys and wallet. "That's the fourth time you've been out this week, you go away next week! Are you not going to spend some time with me?"

He looks up to you, "What do you mean? I spend time with you all the time!" He trails off, knowing that he doesn't. Maybe he feels guilty? Maybe he doesn't.

"I feel like a bloody puppy. You get me then you just get bored and don't bother with it anymore." You hate referring to yourself as 'it' you just hate it.

"What do you mean?" He puts his keys down.

"What do I mean? I mean why don't you just spend some time with me before you go away for seven months. That's what I mean."

He sighs a heavy sigh, "Am I not allowed to spend time with my friends anymore is that what you're saying? Why don't you just leave me alone because you need to get used to me not being here. Stop acting so childish and just get on with life."

His words hurt; even though they don't seem that powerful they stung. "Okay fine then, go. But don't be surprised if I'm not here when you get back."

"Surprised? I'll be overjoyed!" He opens the door and walks out, slamming it shut after him.

You watch him get into his car and drive away, not showing any sign of coming back.

**If you guys want a part two, just ask. It was requested a couple of times on the previous one so I might write a part two. I have some cheeky ideas so... yeah. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE LOVELY COMMENTS POSTED ON THE LAST UPDATE. You're all so lovely, I say that waaaaay too much but you all just are. So sweet. Anyway, 5+votes for the next one, a part two maybe?;)**

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