Preference 68- Mood Swings, (pregnancy series.)

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Mood Swings, (Pregnancy Series):

Louis: "Louis, for god sake, I'm pregnant not disabled." You shout at him, considering he's treating you like you are and not letting you do anything for yourself. His hands shoot up as he defends himself, his face souring at your words. "Sorry, im only trying to help you babe." He speaks, handing you more dishes to wash.

"I know. Sorry." You speak selflessly, leaning over to kiss his cheek. "I'll have more control next time." You say, feeling slightly guilty that you lashed out when all he was trying to do was help you. "No, it's okay. I understand. My mum was like that when she was pregnant with my sisters." He laughs as the memories come flooding back to him. You smile as well, picturing the madness.

Zayn: "Hey Zayn." You call out with happiness in your voice.

He pauses for a brief second, noticing your change in mood. "I thought you were mad at me?" he mumbles, flicking with the buttons on the remote that controls the TV. You shrug your shoulders, realising that fifteen minutes ago you shouted and balled at him saying you were disappointed and angry with him. Your face scrunches up at the memory if just fifteen minutes ago. "Im so sorry. It's the hormones talking." You point two hands to your stomach, feeling ashamed of yourself that you couldn't have any self-control. He reaches over and slings an arm lazily over your shoulder. "It's okay. I know if I was pregnant I would be pretty mad at times too."

Liam: You sniffle for the third time in the row. Wondering why your good mood has diminished. You furrow your eyebrows as multiple thoughts come into your head. Before you know it your vision is clouding and the tears are streaming down your cheeks. "Hey," Liam quickly speaks, noticing your change of mood, "what's getting you down?"

You shrug your shoulders, a smile coming onto your face but the tears still coming, "I have no clue. I've just started crying for no reason." You laugh and wipe your cheeks. "Thanks for your concern though." You smile. The tears gradually coming to a stop.

Niall: "Pass me one will you?" you shout into the kitchen from your place on the couch. You could hear Niall going into the biscuit tin and your stomach was grumbling slightly so why not get something to fill the empty hole? "Sure." He replies, coming back through the doorway, throwing you one of the biscuits wrapped in a crisp gold wrapper. He throws it to you but it misses you by a mile, with your developing bump you just simply cant be bothered to retrieve it. "oh for god sake." You grumble, shoving your face into the palm of your hand, staring directly ahead. "I'll pick it up geez." Niall grunts, picking it up and passing it to you. "Thanks." You speak calmly. "Sorry." You gush.

"It alright." Niall says plopping himself down onto the couch next to you, unwrapping the chocolate bar and scoffing it up and you happily do the same.

Harry: You stand, all dressed up, in front of the mirror. Looking yourself over. A lovely summery maxi dress dropping just below your ankles, gladiator sandals on and your hair curled into loose, bouncy curls. Your makeup not too much but just enough to go with the presentable outfit. Your bump just starting to become visible. Forty minutes ago you were jumping for joy that you were going out for a nice meal, now you just cant be bothered. You'd rather come out of the dress and into some sweat pants and a baggy t-shirt. Harry walks in and takes note of your facial expression. "alright?" he asks you, smoothing out his shirt.

"just cant be bothered." You reply honestly. "I'm too tired."

Harry comes up to you behind the mirror, "we can stay in if you like?" He offers with a small smile, you know Harry wants to go out too so you just put on a non-tired face. "No, no. we're going. I need to learn how to control these bloody mood swings." You laugh. Harry chuckles along with you, kissing your cheek and getting ready to go out.

**apologies, this is awful. And the personal imagines are on hold from being written until further notice. I want to concentrate on writing preferences plus I have terrible wifi at the minute because im away so, bear with me? Have a nice day/morning/night:D 15+votes for the next prefernce!:D**

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