Preference 69- He Finds Your Tattoo/Piercing.

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He Finds Your Tattoo/Piercing:

Louis: "Are you ready to- whoah." Louis stops in his tracks, a large blue fluffy towel placed in one hand and a bottle of water in the other. He puts the water down on the nearest surface and takes his sunglasses off. Staring at your bellybutton, exposed with the bikini you're wearing. "When the hell did this happen?" He says, walking over and playing with the bar that pierces the skin on your tummy. You furrow your brows, believing you told Louis when you got it done, obviously not. "Um.." You start, thinking of the time when you did actually get it done. "I think about a month ago." You look down to Louis staring at the silver bar with a baby pink jewel on the top. "Do you like it?" You ask, nervous that he will disapprove.

He stands up and places a kiss on your cheek, "love it, it really suits you babe." He clasps his hand in yours and you two make your way down to the hotel pool.

Zayn: As the two of you walk out of a cute little corner shop you feel the sun rays hit your face. You squint at the light that shines in your eyes and look over to Zayn who's doing the exact same. "Should've brought sun glasses.." you trail off, starting to walk out in front of Zayn. You're trailing along the street when Zayn says your name. Suddenly, you stop at his call and turn around. Looking at him. "yeah?" You ask, wondering why he stopped you so abruptly.

He bends down and pokes at your ankle, where you have three little birds in flight tattooed just above your ankle bone. "Oh yeah..." You mutter, realising you never told Zayn about your tattoo. "You never noticed until now?" You laugh, and he just shakes his head. He stands up and starts to walk again, asking you when you got it and discussing with you if you would ever get another one.

Liam: Open minded discussions are nothing new for you and Liam. You can be sitting in the house, driving somewhere, having a restless nights sleep, you can be anywhere. Random conversations can pop up from anywhere and you love it. Right now you're sat up in bed, at three o'clock in the morning, just discussing things. Liam was in the middle of a sentence when he stops and stares at you. You stare back and laugh, "what?" You ask, a million things going through your head on what he could possibly be looking at.

He points to the side of your nose where you have a little hole, "your nose..." he trails off. "is it pierced?" he asks, taking his hand away and looking at you, waiting for an answer.

You nod your head, "yeah!" after you answer you jump up from your spot in bed and walk over to your jewellery drawer, which is where all of your studs and rings are. You take out a simple silver stud and put it in your nose. Walking back over to Liam you tap the side of your nose where the stud is now placed. "Nice.." he says, studying your nose even more. "I can't actually believe I never realised that until now." He asks in disbelief. You just chuckle and continue on with your conversation.

Niall: Niall cracks another one of his jokes and you throw your head back, mouth wide open, letting the sound of your laughter fill the room. You continue laughing as you bring your head back to its normal position. Something clocks Niall's attention as he stops speaking and stares directly at your mouth. "Stick your tongue out." Niall commands quickly.

You do as he says and stick your tongue out fully, you know what he's on about, the two little holes that pierce your tongue. A few months ago you got a double tongue piercing done, but after a while you were in too much pain eating and such so you took them out and are waiting for the holes to heal. Niall pulls a finger out to poke at your tongue but you smack it away and put your tongue back in your mouth. "They're healing, don't worry."

He pulls a face of disgust and you chuckle, "good." He says, "must've killed." He grimaces as he takes another sip of his tea. You do the same and then just shrug, "it hurt a lot when I got it done and afterwards, that's why I took them out. Too painful." Afterwards you fill Niall in with everything that he needed to know about tongue piercings.

Harry: You type rapidly on the keyboard of your laptop, trying to finish this essay for your sociology class in Uni. As your fingers move swiftly over the certain keys, Harry watches in amazement as you type quickly. "wow." He says subtly, then turns his head back towards the television. Something catches his eye though. Something inked on the inside of your middle finger. He ponders a minute, wondering whether it was just hallucinations. But, when he looks back over at you, he sees it again. "(Y/N)?" Harry asks.

You stop typing and look over at him, saving your work before you do so, just to be on the safe side. "Yeah?"

He takes your hand in his and moves fingers out the way so he can see what it says. He traces his index finger over the little infinity symbol that sits on your finger before leaning down and kissing it. Making you smile.

**gaaaah, haven't written in aaages. But, thankfully now I have a lovely co-writer who is called Rnicole1998. School finishes in a week so expect a lot more updates! Thank you for 1K followers and 12M reads... so thankful. Thank you for reading :)**

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