Preference 62- Horror Movies.

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Horror Movies:

Louis: You waddle down the stairs; blankets and two pillows is what you're carrying in your arms. As you reach the bottom of the steps you look over your barricade of blankets to see where you're going. When you reach the settee, that Louis is sat on, you throw the blankets at him so he's able to re-arrange them. Sitting down on the settee next to him you look at the blank TV screen. "Are we not watching anything?" You ask Louis, your eyebrows slightly creasing. All he does is smirk and look back at the TV, pressing the play button on the remote. All at once the movie titles illuminate the room, the screen going to a dark red colour, then to a scene of thunder and lightning, the camera slowly moving towards a rusted yellow door. Your eyebrows furrow further as you don't recognise the opening to the film.

Only five minutes in you know exactly what you're watching. Saw. "Louis." You shudder, digging your elbow into his arm. "I hate you."

Zayn: Neither you or Zayn are massive horror movie fans. So you both decided to do some research into one of the best horror films of last year. You both decide to watch Evil Dead. The trailer seemed too much for you, never mind a whole hour and a half of it. Zayn didn't seem that bothered though.

After finding a comfortable position Zayn presses play on the remote, letting the title scene roll in. Already your stomach is doing flips. Every minute you look over to him, seeing a smile plastered all over his face. "Why are you smiling?" You whisper. Trying not to take your attention away from the film. "Because you're shaking." He laughs. Wrapping a protecting arm around your shoulders and pulling you closer to him.

Liam: "I'm quite disappointed with that." Liam huffs as the credits to the Woman In Black wash over the screen. The names going too fast that you cant read them so you look away. "Yeah." You didn't think it was that bad. "The storyline was okay." You mention, taking a few of the left over bits of popcorn and shoving them into your mouth. "I guess so." He mutters, taking a sip of his drink. "I mean the storyline, like you said, was quite good but the jump scares and stuff, not so good." He smiles sarcastically, shuffling over to you, wrapping an arm around your waist. "Want to watch something better?" You ask him, unravelling yourself from him and walking to the DVD shelf. You look back to him because you didn't get an answer and he's simply nodding. "You choose, I'll probably fall asleep anyway." He says, lying down on the settee, you choose a simple comedy and walk back over to the settee, moving Liam's legs and sitting so that his legs are resting on yours. About half way into the film, Liam was right, he was fast asleep.

Niall: "turn it off." You say sternly. Niall simply laughs. "Niall." You repeat, trying to sound as serious as possible without your voice shaking or cracking. "Niall. I told you to turn it off." You repeat once more. All you wanted was to come home from work and watch a nice film, not a slaughter film. "Aw why?" he chuckles again, not turning it off. "Give me the remote." You open your hand and wait for him to place the remote in your palm. "Nope." He says, popping the 'p'. You sigh heavily and re-adjust yourself on the settee. Leaning your elbow against the arm of the settee. "Okay, okay." Niall finally says, after what seems like eternity, he presses eject. You sigh with happiness as all the negative energy drains out of you. "Sorry babe." He smiles at you, planting a kiss on your cheek.

Harry: "It wasn't even that scary." You speak as you climb the stairs to your apartment. You and Harry have just come back from viewing the newest Paranormal Activity. "You think?" Harry asks, almost in disbelief. "Thought it was pretty scary actually" He laughs slightly, slipping the key into the lock, twisting it then opening the door to your apartment. As soon as you step in you kick your shoes off and go upstairs to get changed. You're just about to get into bed when you hear a rustling noise come from the wardrobe. You've just been in there to put your clothes away in, maybe something fell? "Harry?" You shout, quite freaked out from the frequent rustling that seems to be getting louder. "Harry!" you shout again, this time louder. After a few minutes you hear him come up the stairs. Appearing in your doorway he looks confused, "what?" He asks, entering the room and coming to stand next to you. "The cupboard." You whisper, pulling the duvet closer to you. "Huh?" He asks, looking even more confused. You simply nod your head in the direction of the wardrobe and he follows. Swinging open the doors without any hesitation and out springs your cat. Causing you to jump and a little squeal to escape from your lips. Harry just laughs at you, "Scaredy cat."

**I'm still continuing with the personals! I just want to update a preference every now and again so people don't get bored! if anyone has any ideas for preferences comment because i'm kind of running out of ideas! 8+votes for the next preference/imagine!:)**

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