Preference 52- Tranquil Sounds, (YOUR POV.)

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Tranquil Sounds, (YOUR POV):

Louis - RAIN:

I sit on the porch, watching the rain fall. Watching little pools of water appear on the pavement. I stick my hand out and catch a few drops, letting the wetness of that one little drop soak into my warm skin. Every thirty seconds or so a rumble of thunder sounds, making me smile. I love weather like this. I love it. It blocks out all of my inner thoughts, the thoughts that have been niggling away at me. It fills me with pure happiness. Sends me into tranquility. The rain, I find amusing, it makes me shiver with excitement. Others find it horrendous, I don't see why. The rain pounds harder, the little droplets trying to break through the roof that is my barricade. Then the thunder becomes more frequent and a breeze picks up so I wrap my blanket around me further, staying warm. A car drives past, disturbing my thoughts; it's wipers going back and forth at an incredible pace as the rain nearly breaks through the glass window. A gust of wind makes the rain spray in my face and I smile. Refreshing. A crash is heard from beside me as a plant pot topples over and the compost scatters all over the floor. As the rain seems to become less violent and the noise of it wears off my smile fades. My thoughts start to cloud my mind again, my tranquility leaving me. Then as the rain stops all together my smile fades. I'm back to reality.

Zayn - WAVES:

Waves. Waves push forward the sea breeze and makes the salty sea air rise up and fill my nostrils. I love the smell, I really do. A slight sea breeze is wafting my shirt to and fro, sea breeze. Refreshing and calming. I shut my eyes. Listening to the waves lap up the parched sand, listening to it crash off of the rocks. Waves are powerful. They could drown you or they could save you. As I sit and listen I think to myself, I need the toilet... Then I feel thankful that I'm not sat near a waterfall. A couple walk behind me, stopping to take a picture of something. What? I don't know, I have my eyes shut. I decide to open my eyes; I want to watch the waves with intensity. I want to watch them, I want to go up to them and feel the cold water. I want to feel happy.


Wind chimes always get my attention. Whether it's passing by a shop that sells them or whether I'm just sat in the garden listening to them clink off one another. I have loads of them and I've found the perfect spot to hang them all. Weeping willow trees surround me and there's a heavy waterfall behind me. I hang them all, all at equal distances from one another and I let the wind caress them all. Letting the sound of them fill my ears and wash away any unwanted thoughts. For however long I'm sat here, I want to enjoy it. I lie down, shutting my eyes. Letting the waterfall and the wind chimes work their magic, letting them overtake my body. Letting all of my muscles relax I breath deeply. In and out at a steady rhythm. Thanks to my two resources, I fall asleep.


I watch with great intensity as the water moves swiftly around the rocks. Floating odd leaves or little sticks that haven't been able to survive the strength of the current waltz by. The noise is overwhelming. I fix my eyes on one rock, letting my eyes drift from one rock to another, not letting any thoughts plague my mind. I let the sound of the gushing water fill my ears. The strong currents making some water splash onto my leg. I don't mind though, I love it. The sound, the sound... it's indescribable. I just want to sit here all day if I can and listen. Listen to the sound of the fast moving currents making their way down the river. I see fish, because I've taken my gaze away from the rocks. Little tiny fish, that people wouldn't be able to see but I'm observant. I like fish. I like the way that they can put up with the strong current, I like the way that they can move very easily and they can dive in and out of troubled moments with ease. I want to be a fish. As silly as it sounds I want to feel at ease. If I was a fish the only thing I would have to worry about was getting eaten. I can deal with that.

Harry - WIND:

The strong wind howls around me, threatening to tear away pieces of my jewelry. My earrings batter against my neck, my necklace staying still. I sit down. People looking at me probably wondering why. I'll have no answer to their question. I watch as the wind collects little rings of dust and leaves, my eyes travel around the violent ring of dust in fascination. Maybe if I shut my eyes, people will not notice me, or I wont notice them, which way is it? I love the wind. It's almost as if the wind enters through my left ear and pushes all the negative thoughts out of my right ear. I love listening to the wind sing, whenever the wind's blowing a gale I'll always go and sit in the garden. Where I can't be seen. But as the wind howls at me and bites at my bare arms I come back to reality and realise that I am in public, I'm outside a shop. Sat on a patch of grass. Most people are wrapping themselves up. Me? I took off my jumper so I'm sat in my t-shirt. I want to feel nature, I want to close my eyes and pretend that I'm in the middle of the Antarctic. I want to feel free.

**Okay, I know that this is VERY different from what I want to write but I was, at first, free writing but then I thought I could turn it into a preference. So this one's a bit personal and it's probably personal to a lot of you readers too. There are a lot of people who like to listen to nature sounds to meditate or to feel at ease. I just love it. I am going to write a one for the boys too so, yeah. Because I just like writing these. I think they're really nice. Anyway, 8+votes for the next preference!:)**

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