Preference 65- Telling Him You're Pregnant, (pregnancy series.)

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Telling Him You're Pregnant, (pregnancy series):

Just to let you know this will be a lot different to the pregnancy one I did a while ago, they were quite negative where as these are gonna be happyyyyy:)

Louis: With shaky hands you unlock the door to yours and Louis' room. Shuffling your cold feet along the wooden floor. "Louis?" You whisper, shutting the door quietly behind you. You turn back around only to see him asleep, his chest rhythmically moving up and down. You stand there at the door for a few moments, going over everything in your head before walking over to the side of the bed Louis is sleeping on. Before you kneel down you place your palms on his arms, tracing circles on the fabric of his jumper before proceeding to kneel down. You clear your throat quietly and shake his shoulder, whispering softly his name. A few tries of that and his eyes open gradually, fluttering ever so slightly. "Sorry." You speak, feeling a little bit guilty that you woke him but this cant wait.

"nah, you're alright babe." He smiles, sitting up and propping himself up in his elbows, taking a few of his fingers and rubbing the sleep away from his still tired eyes. You smile and shift some hair from his eyes, "I have something to tell you, and I don't know whether you're going to like it or not but it just wouldn't be right if I kept it from you."

His eyes shift from your eyes down to your thumbs, which are intertwined with each other, "it's okay, you know you can tell me anything."

"Well, I'm pregnant." You don't even wait a second, you just blurt it out, your stomach doing flips. He just looks at you for a minute, processing everything. That's what you did when you looked at the little pink '+'.

"You are?" Now Louis speaks with gleaming eyes, a few tears brimming on his waterline. You just nod, not really knowing what to do or say. Louis sits up and hugs you, squeezing you every now and then. "Thank you for being okay with it." You whisper into his ear, giving him a quick squeeze. "be okay with it?" he whispers back, "I'm over the moon."

Zayn: Your finger traces lightly over the days of the month on your calendar. You shake your head in disbelief. You look at the past month on where your star is, marking that time of the month then you flick back to this month, looking at where your star should be. Instead all there is is a blank box. You're coming up to almost a month with no period. You take a look down at your tummy, thinking that there could be a little baby starting to grow down there. You run your hands through your hair before tying it up with a hair tie. Looking in the mirror afterwards. Even though you don't know for definite that you are pregnant, you just cant picture yourself a mother. You ruffle the plastic bag that's sitting in your hands, inside holds a pregnancy test. You rush to the bathroom, eager to find out if you actually are pregnant. You do your business then wash your hands, placing the stick on the counter top as you clean your hands. After a few minutes you're still stood, overlooking the test. You leave the test on the counter and decide to find out with Zayn. You walk out of the bathroom and peak your head out of your bedroom door, "Zayn?" You shout, waiting for an answer.

"Yup?" He answers with a mouthful of food.

"Can you come here for a sec please?" You cross your fingers over with each other, waiting to hear his footsteps come up the stairs. A few seconds pass and you hear him come up. "You alright?" He asks as he emerges at the top of the stairs, smiling at you. When he comes closer you open the door fully and accept him into the room. He does so then you lead him over to the bathroom. When his eyes see the test you don't even want to think about what's going through his mind. When you stand next to him you understand why his eyes were almost bulging from his head, there's a pink cross in the little box. "Oh my god." You say, tears falling and bouncing off your cheeks.

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