Sims 3:
Louis: "What are you doing?" Louis asks as he wanders into the office room, you're sat on the computer controlling three people actions. "Sims." You answer, trying to get the dog to have a wee outside but a piece of furniture is blocking the door. "oh nooo." You say as the dog urinates on the floor, your sim going crazy. Louis moves in closer to the computer to hear the words that are being spoken, well, you cant even call them words, "what even are they?" he chuckles, watching your facial expression change as everything in your household unfolds into a world of madness.
Zayn: "You need to feed them you idiot!" You shout at him after coming out of the shower, you left Zayn with your sims whilst you went in the shower, bad decision.. "How though, do they cook? You didn't tell me what to do." He shrugs his shoulder whilst clicking on random things, "it's pretty self explanatory, Zayn." He just huffs, finally finding the way to cook a meal, "oh thank goodness."
Liam: "No, no, (Y/N), we need to live here because look, if we're going to have pets and, oh my goodness, we should get a horse, look." He finishes, pointing to the screen, a stable can be seen in the little box, his face lights up. "really?" you say, trying to hold back your laughter which can usually not be bottled up. He nods his head, a deadly serious look on his face. "We need horses, they're great." Liam ends up getting three horses and not being able to look after them all, poor things.
Niall: "Oh wow, why is she not wearing much?" Niall asks as he comes in and sees your sim in a bather. "Excuse me?" You ask him, he sits next to you and watches you, which you think is a bit weird. You cock your eyebrows as he just sits for five minutes, saying nothing just watching you control your sims. "Niall, are you okay?" You ask him after the silence becomes unbearable. He nods quickly, flashing you a smile, "fine thanks. But can I ask a question?" he asks you, a question in a question, you love them. "You just did but yeah." Niall clears his throat, "why was she like, in her underwear?" He looks at your sim, watching TV in a language that is unexplainable. "Niall, if you were observing anything that has been happening in the last five minutes you will of seen that she was at a swimming pool..." Niall's eyes widen, it's past you what's going on in his head.
Harry: "I know what we should do." Harry says, his green eyes following the mouse wherever it goes. "We should get one of those cute little chairs that go out on peoples front porches, you know what old people sit on and watch the world go by?" His description is a little patchy, but 100% accurate. You nod, "yeah, they're cute. And then in autumn we can carve pumpkins and rake leaves and make it look really cute." You both nod and agree with each other's ideas, it occurs to you that whilst you and Harry are planning all these things for your sims lives, you haven't even thought of your own.
**Ohhhhh, wow. So I got an email saying that my preferences were the most read. CAN I HUG YOU ALL PLEASE, **virtual hugs to everyone** - there you go J. Hahahaha, but I think Harry's at the end got deep, hehehe, I don't even know what I did. It felt nice again to just zone out and write another preference. Hope you are all well!:D 7+votes for the next preference?:)**
One Direction Preferences
Fanfic☆ ayo:) here there's some preferences and imagines thrown together so, enjoy. ☆ ✿ the preferences start at 10 now because i deleted the parts before that, the first preference up until about preference 24 were written a long time ago and they aren't...