Preference 55- Cheesy Jokes.

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Cheesy Jokes:

Louis: "Why did the motorcycle stop moving?" He asks you, you're trying to sleep but failing, you're both on an aeroplane, most of the other passengers asleep but Louis's wide awake. You sigh and try to get comfortable again, "Why?" You ask, not interested in the slightest, but this might make time go quicker so... "it was two tired." He does a fake chuckle afterwards and you turn away from him. Trying to hide the fact that you're holding in a laugh.

Zayn: Zayn plops himself down next to you, giggling to himself and locking his phone screen. You start searching for something else to watch on the television as the adverts just came on. "Can I help you?" You smile towards him, he just laughs again then says to you, at a rather quick speed, "I went to a seafood disco the other week, I pulled a mussle." He then giggles uncontrollably. Putting his phone back in his pocket and walking into the kitchen. "I worry Zayn I really do." You mutter to him.

Liam: "psst, Liam." You whisper, you've looked at the clock and it's just gone midnight, neither of you are asleep. You can tell Liam's not because he's tossing and turning. "Yeah?" He whispers back, you wonder why you're both whispering because there are only you two in the house. "An invisible man marries an invisible woman, the kids were nothing to look at either." As soon as you finish your sentence Liam chuckles deeply, "Ahhh (Y/N)." He sighs, still chuckling.

Niall: Niall's currently on tour and for him it's the middle of the day, for you, it's the middle of the night. Another sleepless one for you. Thankfully, Niall texted you before and you just thought of something to cheer yourself up. You text to him, 'what do you call a fish with no eye? A fsh.' You laugh as you press send and then wait for the little 'read' sign to show up. A few minutes later Niall texts back, 'Deja Moo, the feeling you've heard this bull before.' You laugh at that one, somehow he managed to find one that linked, and cheesy.

Harry: "Do you want to hear a joke about pizza?" You look at Harry, trying to hold in your massive, goofy grin, "go on then." Harry mumbles, smiling at you, this causes your smile to emerge. "Never mind, it's too cheesy." Harry laughs at your cheesiness. After a minute of silence he replies back with, "Do you want to hear a joke about a circle?" You nod, "Never mind, it's pointless." The pair of you go back and forth with these for about twenty minutes.

**Okay, I have to admit this one was hilarious to write, ahhh. Sorry this took so long to upload. I've been having frequent Spanish tests I needed to revise for so that's why ive been lacking. Sooo, enjoy! 6+votes for the next preference?:)**

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