Preference 72- The Fault In Our Stars.

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The Fault In Our Stars: - it's not based on tfios the story, it's about the characters reading or seeing tfios and reacting to it. idk I just thought that it would be nice to write this. THERE'S NO SPOILERS IN THIS BY THE WAY SO DON'T WORRY -

Louis: Continuous sobs are heard from beside Louis. You can't contain them as the movie comes to an end. Gus' letter being read out and nearly everyone in the cinema have tears running down their cheeks. You quickly wipe away any new tears with your tissues.

The final words of the film are spoken and the credits start to roll on. You sigh deeply as you try to gather your thoughts about what you just experienced. Louis throws an arm around you as you look and see his own eyes are quite red and puffy. "My eyes are going to be so swollen tomorrow." You laugh slightly, and cuddle up closer to Louis.

"Hah, you and me both babe." He says as he leans in and kisses your temple softly.

Zayn: "Shit." You hear from the spot next to you. You glance over quickly and see Zayn shutting The Fault In Our Stars. You smirk slightly and then go back to working on your laptop. "Enjoyed it?" You ask him, already knowing the answer.

He sniffles slightly, trying to hide the face that he's almost crying. "It's amazing. I just can't believe it ended like that." You lean over and hug him. Playing with the ends of his t-shirt ever so slightly. He places the book down on the coffee table and hugs you back. Rubbing neat circles onto your upper arm. "I guess it just makes you really thankful for what you have." Zayn whispers and kisses your head sweetly.

Liam: "Hey." Liam whispers sweetly as you stand in the bathroom removing your makeup. It's only been an hour since you got back from the movies and you're still crying uncontrollably. You turn around and let Liam wrap his muscular arms around you tightly. You bury your head into the crook of his neck and try to control your sobs. His hand moves up and down your back with ease in order to calm you down. You were aware of how upsetting the film was, you just didn't know it would have this big of an effect on you. "It was just so upsetting." You whisper into his neck. The sentence coming out muffled because of the tears.

He pulls your face towards him and kisses you on the lips, sweetly and quickly. "I know. I know, baby." He kisses you one last time before cuddling you again.

Niall: "(y/n)!" Niall roars from your bedroom. You sigh and stand up from your comfortable position on the couch. You follow his voice and trudge up the stairs. "Yes, Niall?" You question. You raise your eyebrows as you see the book in his hands. The Fault In Our Stars. "Ah." You say quietly. The realisation hitting you.

His eyes are slightly damp and his bottom lip is quivering ever so slightly. "Why?" He questions. The tears starting to roll down his cheek. The sensitive side of Niall, you knew you would see it one day.

You go and sit next to him on the bed without any words leaving your lips, "I told you it would break your heart." You coo, letting him rest his head on your shoulder, he throws an arm over your stomach and rustles the fabric of your shirt. You kiss the blond hair that lies before you and remove the book from his hands. Placing it somewhere different. "I'm sorry." He laughs, half-heartedly.

You kiss his head again and then rest the side of your head on top of his. "No need to apologise." After that you let Niall drift off into a calm sleep.

Harry: You watch the pot of pasta boil before you, putting another five minutes on the clock for you to cook it. The chimes of your phone interrupt you, indicating that you have an incoming call. You answer it, without looking at the caller ID and place the phone between your shoulder and ear. "Hello?" You say quickly, taking the pasta off the stove, realising that it's starting to bubble over.

"(y/n). It's Harry." He speaks quickly.

Your attention is taken off of the pasta so you concentrate on your conversation. "Ah, hello love." You beam. The line goes quiet for a second before Harry starts speaking again, "I just wanted to ask if you wanted to come over?" He pauses before speaking again, "it's just, I finished the book, and wanted to talk to you about it. Because I want to do it face to face, not over the phone."

You smile to yourself, "of course, I'll be over in half an hour."

a/n: sorry about Harry's, dunno what happened really.. ahhaa, I need some requests for preferences! 10+votes for the next preference :D

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