Preference 28- Saying Goodbye At The Airport, (TOUR SERIES.)

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Saying Goodbye At The Airport, (TOUR SERIES.)

Louis: "Flight 187 is now boarding, can all passengers please make their way to the gate." The overhead announcer finishes and your eyes travel from Louis to all of his bags next to him. "I guess I'll have to go then..." He locks his eyes with yours, not wanting to leave. "Why can't you come with me?" He pleads, trying to stall himself from leaving. "We've been over why Louis, come on. You're going to miss your flight!" You pick his bags up and hand them to him, "I'll miss you." You say, feeling like you'll be missing your second half when he's gone. "I'll miss you too." He puts his bags down that you previously handed to him and hugs you tight. After a few minutes Niall runs over, "Hi (Y/N)," He smiles, you nod your head and smile, thinking that if you talk your words will be shaky and tears will fall, "You've got to go over now, everyone's on the plane." Louis sighs and Niall walks away.

"Well, if you want to come out and visit, I'll pay for your flight and everything. Only if you want to."

"That's very kind of you." You smile; he gives you one last kiss before walking away and boarding the plane. You stand there until the doors to the gate close, then watch his plane take off. Knowing that he's started his journey safely.

Zayn: "You're definitely coming out to visit, right?" He asks, for about the fifth time this morning. "Yes, my tickets are already booked!" You laugh, arriving at the gate where the rest of the boys are standing. "Hi boys." You smile at them all and Zayn holds your hand in his. It's awkward silence for a minute before Paul comes over and ushers the boys onto the plane, "Will you ring me when you've landed, I want to know that you're safe." You say, making sure that he does because if he doesn't you'll just worry about him. "Promise." He replies.

"And promise me that you wont say anything stupid about anything in interviews?"

"Promise." He replies again, getting slightly annoyed. "Anything else?" He laughs, giving you a kiss.

"Nope, just have fun." You smile and return the kiss. He doesn't say anything else after; he just jogs off through the gate and onto the plane.

Liam: "Right, Liam. Are you sure you have everything?" You ask him, you had to turn the car around three times on the way here because Liam realized he forgot something. "Sure of it, the last time I went back I made sure I had everything."

"You could have done that the first..." You mumble walking over to the boys.

"What?" he laughs, he heard what you said.

"Nothing... nothing." You giggle and then your face falls. Realizing that this is the last time you're going to be able to see Liam in person for nearly six months. "What's wrong love?" He asks, noticing your sudden change in expression.
"I'm just, really going to miss you." You admit, making it quick, you don't want to make a scene in front of the boys. "I'm going to miss you too." He sighs, giving you a hug. "I'm going to go." You whisper. Pulling away from Liam, standing back and looking at the boys excited faces. "What? Do you not want to see us take off?"

"No. I'll just cry. I'll go, then text me when you land and I can speak to you later tonight."

His eyes are wide, with concern and sadness, "okay." He says, barely audible. You turn away and run out of the airport doors. As soon as you get outside you just burst out into tears. After a few minutes of blubbering to yourself you feel two arms around your waist. You yelp, not knowing who the hell it is. But when you turn around Liam is there. "I forgot something." He says, then kisses you. When he pulls away he goes back inside, not saying anything else.

Niall: "I just wanted to say-" Niall's about to say one last thing to you before boarding but then gets interrupted by a group of girls. "Niall, can we get a picture?" "Niall, can you sign this for me?" "Niall, can I come with you?" One of them squeals. You roll your eyes and just hug Niall; he doesn't say anything to the fans he just hums to himself. After a few minutes the girls go away and he pulls away. "Anyway..." He continues, "I wanted to tell you that, you mean the world to me." You smile, and he continues, "I know that you're worried that I'll forget about you when I go away, but that's impossible." His words filling you with joy, "And I just wanted you to know that I love you so much." He finishes and notices the tears rolling down your cheeks. He takes his thumb and wipes the stray ones away. "Aw, Niall." You choke out, more tears falling. You look over his shoulder and see the boys looking impatient with how long Niall's taking. "I think you have to go now." You point back to the boys. He doesn't say anything else; he just turns around and starts to walk away. "Niall?" You shout, he turns around and looks at you, "I love you too." You smile; he blows you a kiss then turns around and goes through the gate. You wipe your eyes and mutter to yourself, "sort yourself out (Y/N)." giggling to yourself.

Harry: You both walk hand in hand down the airport to the gate. Flashes and clicks go off from the paps but you don't do anything. When you get down to the gate you turn to face each other, still hand in hand. "Well, I better get going." Harry mumbles, looking down to your intertwined hands. "I'll miss you so much."

You smile a fake smile, "Me too." You whisper. Not wanting to make eye contact with him because you'll just crumble. "Harry, we're going." Louis shouts from behind you both. "Okay, I'll be there in a minute." Harry snaps back. He turns his head back around and looks you directly in the eyes, his green orbs fixed on your own. "I feel like I haven't had enough time with you." He says, gripping your hand even tighter. You laugh for no reason then look at Louis, his facial expression becoming more twisted by the minute. "I'm keeping you back, go on. Go off, have fun exploring the world and trying new things." You flash him a smile, which he returns. "Okay then. I love you so much."

"I love you too." Your lips meet then separate. "Bye Harry."

Your hands separate from each other and something falls to the floor, making a clink as it hits the tiled floor. You look down and see Harry's paper airplane necklace lying on the floor. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion. Quickly you bend down and pick it up, "Harry, wait!" You call out; he turns around and looks at you. "Why have you given me this?"

"You gave me the book, I'm giving you my necklace. Now we're squitz." He smiles then turns back around. When you can't see him anymore you start walking out, adjusting your necklace. Making a promise to yourself that you'll wear it wherever you go.

**Okay, hello people of Wattpad. Firstly, I would like to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU for nearly 200K reads. Didn't even think I would get 20 never mind 200K. Secondly, I hope you enjoy this preference! The next part in this is the skype dates, so that shall be cute and sweet. And finally, I hope you've all had a good weekend! Hehe, so, 8+votes for the skype dates!:)**

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