Preference 17- You Have A Nightmare And He's Not There, (Zayn)

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You Have A Nightmare And He's Not There, (Zayn):

You were stuck. There was no doubt about it, you couldn't get out. The little glass window in the door has been smashed, that was the only way you could get any fresh air. The temperature in the sauna kept rising, the numbers on the meter read, '240 degrees.' You were out of your mind, you couldn't keep still, your breathing was shaky and you were ready to pass out. You look away for a minute and stand up to try and call for some help, but it was no use. You had no energy to shout. You were burning, literally. When you looked back the temperature was up to 246 degrees. It was rising too quickly, you were sure of it. You were going to be gone in a few minutes. 247 degrees and you're out on the floor.

You awaken to the sound of your own heart, racing far too fast. You sit up and place one hand over your chest feeling your heart pulse. You take deep breaths and try to calm yourself down after that ghastly dream. You look over to your side and see the DVD box for the movie, 247 degrees Fahrenheit. You must have fell asleep half way through with everything that happened in the movie on your mind. Zayn is out at rehearsals and you didn't know when he's going to get back. What if that was true? You think to yourself. Nobody came to help you in the dream. What if that happened and you were left alone in there? No. Stop it (Y/N). You think to yourself. You stand up and go into the bathroom to splash your face with cold water to wake yourself up and make you forget about everything. But it doesn't work. You still keep thinking about everything that happened. You turn the tap off, dry your face and look in the mirror. Your hair is in a ponytail and you have tear stained cheeks. You really look like you've been dragged to hell and back. Mid thought the door opens and shuts, "Zayn?" You call out.

"Aren't you in bed?" He shouts back, coming up the stairs to see you. You come out of the bathroom and get back into the bed, wrapping yourself up in the duvet. Zayn comes over and gives you a kiss on the head before getting ready for bed himself. He tries to make conversation with you but you don't say anything, you're contemplating whether to ask him if he would do something if you were trapped in a sauna. You finally decide to, after he's switched all the lights off and is trying to sleep. "Zayn?" you whisper. You hear him shuffle around. "Can I ask you something?" You try to gulp back a few tears but that fails and they fall freely out of your eyes.

Zayn sighs and pulls you close to him, "What's the matter (Y/N)?"

You bury your head in his chest, "if I was stuck in a sauna would you come and help me?"

He bursts out laughing at this random, and quite stupid question, "What the hell (Y/N)?"

"Zayn it isn't funny."You whine. You then go on to telling him about how you watched the movie and then fell asleep and had that awful dream. All the lights are still off, but you don't mind. After you've finished explaining everything it's deadly silent. You've taken so long to explain everything Zayn's fallen asleep. You don't mind though. You're with him now and that's all that matters.

**Hello! 5+ votes for Liam's part? I've got some good ideas for the next few!**

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