Preference 50- You Tell Him You're Pregnant, (PART 1.)

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He Finds Out You're Pregnant, (PART 1):

**I think, and hope, that none of the boys would do this. SO PLEASE, before I get any grief about the way I've written this, please just take into account that I know the boys wouldn't react like this. But they might, just put yourselves in their shoes when you're reading this.**

Louis: You've been avoiding him all day, ever since you found out this morning you haven't spoken to him. You've hugged him, gave him a kiss, but never shared a word. The problem is, you don't know how he's going to react. You're both so young, it was an accident. About half past nine at night Louis comes over to you, just as you were going to get into bed and sleep on the situation. "(Y/N)?" he asks as he places a hand on your shoulder, you're faced away from him, the lump in the back of your throat is telling you you're going to cry. "Have I done something?" He comes round to the other side of the bed so that he can see your face; a few tears have already made their way down your cheeks. He looks at you with raised eyebrows, a sincere expression on his face. After a few seconds of silence you finally speak up. "I found out this morning." You start off. You feel the need to look up at him, look him in the eyes. Watch his expression as you tell him. "About?" He nudges you, as you don't continue. More tears start to fall as you realise that this could break your relationship up. It's going to change your whole life. You're never going to be the same ever again. Sleepless nights, nappy changes, public humility, family breakups, relationship problems... the list is endless. "I'm pregnant." You finally say, immediately looking away from Louis as his expression tightens. "What?" He says, stepping up off the bed. "(Y/N), no." He says shutting his eyes tight. "I'm not ready for this." He says as you step up from the bed too, keeping your distance from him, just incase. "You're not ready for this?" You say, slightly offended, he's not thinking about you, just himself. "Of course not!" He shouts, this scares you and encourages you to move back further. "How could you do this (Y/N)?" He asks you. Is he for real? How could YOU do this? "I don't think this is my fault exactly Louis, is it?!" Your point bringing tears to his own eyes, clouding his vision and thoughts blurring his mind. He goes silent for a minute and his fists tighten up into balls. His knuckles turning white. "I'm going out." He mutters. Walking out of the bedroom door, slamming it so hard that some of the things you have on the wall fall off and smash. So he didn't take that so well...

Zayn: As soon as you checked your calendar you knew it, you knew that you were pregnant. One week, that would have been acceptable, it's happened before and you've been fine, but three, that's nearly a month. Nearly a month late, that's obvious. "Zayn!" You call up as soon as you take your eyes off the marked calendar. You hear the chair scraping across the floor downstairs before his footsteps run up the stairs. He appears in the doorway, "yeah?" he asks, making his way over to the chair you have placed in the corner of your room. "I'm late." You say, he probably has no idea what that means. A confused expression washes over his face, "late?" He asks, starting to think of all the things you could be late for. Wanting him to figure it out by himself would be good, then you wouldn't have to find the nerve to tell him. You watch his facial expression; his mouth twists as he goes through all the options. Then it hits him. You can read him like a book; he goes so pale you're positive that you're going to be able to see through him. "No... you're not." He says bluntly, standing up off the chair and running a hand through his hair. "You're pregnant?" He asks after a minute of stabilising himself. You hang your head, with shame and embarrassment, "yeah." You whisper, your voice starting to shake and a lump forming in your throat. You hear him, pacing the floorboards. "What're you going to do?" He asks you, walking over to you. You can hear the anger in his voice, you don't like it. "What am I going to do?" You repeat his question, hoping that he's not thinking of taking it away from you. "You heard me." He mumbles, deep in thought. "I want to keep it, I know... I know for a fact that I'm not ready, that you're not ready, but I want this. I can't do this to what's going to be a human being. I couldn't do that to something that's already alive and wanting to be brought out into the world." Zayn laughs at you, why? "(Y/N), you're probably just curious. You don't even know if you're pregnant, go out and buy a pregnancy test instead of causing me all this trouble. But I tell you, if you come back and you're positive, I'm leaving." He slurs the last word. He doesn't want to, but he can't look after a baby. He knows you can't either. Those words pierce you like sharp spears. Leaving their prints engraved in your skin, not leaving anytime soon.

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