Preference 14- He Makes You Insecure, (Louis, Part 2/2)

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He Makes You Insecure, (Louis, Part 2/2):

"Im disgusting." You're not bothered that your leg is pouring with blood.

Louis words are swirling round in your head. Your makeup remover is calling your name. Just wanting to take all your makeup off and look at your face covered with spots. Sighing heavily you unscrew the lid to the bottle and tip the right amount onto a cotton pad. You rub the cotton pad all over your face so that your face is all natural. Louis was right. Looking at your face naked it's a mess. Your vision becomes blurred with glossy tears, ready fall at any minute. Some slip out and run down your skin. Blood is endlessly pouring from your cut above your ankle your body becomes heavier, your vision becomes blurred. Your feet loose their place on the floor and your body hits the floor with a loud thud. Even though your eyes are closed you're not unconscious.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)?!" Louis is shouting from the other side of the door.

Loud slams and bangs are sounded as the door comes flying open and day light streams into the dull bathroom. "What've you done to yourself?!" He gathers your body in his arms and cradles you, gently rocking back and forth. "I heard what you said." You stammer silently.

His grip tightens around you, "I'm sorry."

His big blue eyes full of pain, dark with glistening tears forming around his eyes. "You should be." You look away from him and wriggle away from his grip. Legs crossed on the floor you sit opposite and look him in the eyes. He takes his hands in yours and traces little circles on your thumb. "I know what I said, and I know it was wrong of me to say that to the boys.."

"You should have said something to me first if you really have a problem with my...eating..." He hangs his head in shame, "I know, and I'm sorry."

He notices a little puddle of red liquid on the floor and immediately crawls over to you and lifts you up, placing you on the bathroom counter. He's busy bathing your leg when he looks up to your eyes, "I don't have a problem with your eating. I just get a little bit worried sometimes."

A little smile forms on your face, which Louis notices, "I love you."

"I love you too." You both lean in for a sweet short kiss.

You soon realize that he didn't mean what he said and he loves you. Louis is supportive and helps you stop snaking so much.

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