Preference 25- You Save Him.

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You Save Him:

Louis: "Louis, you've gone too far out! Come back!" You wave your arms around to try and get him to see you. Louis decided, while you and the boys were packing up, to go out for one last swim.Your hand meets your forehead as you shield your eyes from the blazing sun. "What's the matter?" Liam wonders as he comes to stand next to you.

You sigh and bring your arm down by your side, "I don't like how it's getting dark and he's out there being an idiot not coming in." The sun is setting and the ocean is becoming darker but more peaceful.

A chuckle is heard from beside you, "He'll be fine, he'll come back soon." Liam speaks as he walks back up to where the boys are packing up. You look away, staring at a couple walking hand in hand along the beach. Perfect for tumblr. You laugh to yourself and look back to where Louis is splashing around. Nearing towards him something dark and shadowy. You squint your eyes to get a better vision, then out of the water a triangular fin sticks out. Your stomach tightens and your breath hitches. Signals from your brain send you racing up to the rocks and along to where Louis is. As soon as you get there the shark is minutes away from him, "ah, there you are (Y/N), joining me?" He smirks.

"Louis get here now." You feel tears threatening to fall from your eyes, "Louis." You repeat again through clenched teeth. "(Y/N), don't be a kill joy. Come and swim." He swims over to you to pull you in; as he reaches up to you you grab his arm and yank him up. He tries to refuse but you have a firm grip and you're not letting go anytime soon. "(Y/N), what the hell are you doing?" Louis shouts at you as you pull him successfully up onto the rocks. "Getting you away from that." Your finger stretches out to the shadowy shark going back away from you both. You turn your head back over to look at him and his eyes are wide, "God... Thanks (Y/N)." He breathes a shaky breath and kisses your forehead. You smile to yourself, knowing that after this he's going to listen to you a lot more.

Zayn: "Do we HAVE to go this way? There's loads more safer ways to get home." You sigh looking at the dimly lit alleyway. Zayn takes your hand and gives it a squeeze, "I walk this way all the time. It's fine. It's like a ghost alleyway, there's hardly anyone ever here." He gives you a smile and starts to walk through, he's right; every time you walk past it's completely empty. This makes you feel more at ease. Half way through the alley you start to quicken your pace after hearing some footsteps behind you. "Hurry up." You whisper to Zayn. You turn a corner to exit the alleyway only to be met by a gruff looking man, stubble all over his face. Big black boots and a shiny metallic object in his hands. Your eyes immediately meet the knife but Zayn doesn't see. "Excuse me." He says in a cheerful voice. His feet start to walk forward but the man sticks his arm out over Zayn's chest to stop him. "You're not going anywhere mate."

"What?" Confused, he looks the man up and down, only for his eyes to land on the blade."Shit."

Before anyone can say anything else Zayn is up against the brick wall with the knife to his neck. "Give me everything you have and everything that is worth a lot of money." The man speaks, Zayn tries to move his hands around but the man has them held firmly onto the wall. He turns his head to you, "What about you?"

You look down to your chest where your silver necklace is lying, you unhook the necklace and hand it to the man, you roll your sleeves up and take off your Pandora charm bracelet then hand it to the man. "(Y/N), stop it." Zayn says to you. Knowing that what you're giving the man mean a lot to you. "No, he wants them then he'll leave you alone." Your logic getting the better of you. You start to get your purse out of your bag, the man following every move you make. Taking him by surprise you swing your fist up and it makes contact with his cheek. Instantly he falls to the floor clutching his face, he's dropped the knife and all of your belongings. You bend down and grab the knife and everything that belongs to you. Zayn's already made a run for it and you follow him. Neither of you stop running until you get home. As soon as you get home Zayn rings the police and goes to the station to give them the man's details and turn in the knife.

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