Preference 49- You Have A Panic Attack And He Helps You, (LI&NI.)

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You Have A Panic Attack (LIAM AND NIALL):

Liam: Liam has made sure he drags you down to the front of the club where all his mates are, where the heart of the music is. As soon as you get there you preferred to be at the back of the crowd. You just grabbed onto Liam's hand tighter than before, it was more crowded, people were bumping into you with quite a force and there was a lot of drunken people. Safe to say you were petrified. As the song changes a lot more people start to come down to the front, you recognise a few of them but then after a while they start to become a blur, as does everything else in the room. Your heart becomes a race car, wanting to get to the end of its journey. It starts racing like it's never raced before. When you figure something's up you tap Liam, your vision's gone blurry and your heart is racing. "I'm going to the bathroom." You shout over the blaring music. Liam couldn't hear a word you said you he comes closer so that you're saying it into his ear, "I'm going to the bathroom." You say again and he pulls away, not bothering to reply because you wont be able to hear so he gives you the thumbs up. As soon as he's put his hands back down to his sides you push your way back through the crowd, avoiding people who are pushing each other. Successfully, you get to the ladies bathroom, entering straight away and looking at yourself in the mirror. How did you not notice that you were crying? You have tears all down your cheeks and you didn't even notice. You wipe them away, still the music tries to break through the concrete wall that separates you from all the madness. As you try and splash yourself with water your hands shake uncontrollably, sending the water everywhere. "shit." You mutter, noticing that you're making a mess everywhere. You stand looking at yourself for ten minutes, watching the devil unleash, a rush of hot blood races around you, sending you into cold sweats. Thinking this is the last of you you lie down on the cold tile floor. Whimpering to yourself. At this minute you're happy that there's nobody else in the stalls with you. You lie there for another ten minutes, some of the effects wearing off when you hear a knock on the bathroom door. "(Y/N)?" Someone shouts, it's Liam. "Yes?" You reply, thankful that someone who you love, and trust is here to help you. "Am I safe to come in?" Liam asks, already starting to open the door, your tears haven't diminished, yet, but everything else seems to have worn off. Liam glides through the door as he pushes it open, as soon as he sees the state you're in he instantly comes down to your level. "What's happened?" he asks frantically, checking you over to see if you're hurt. "It was too much when we were out there, there was just too many people, it was too loud and I just had a panic attack." You explain to him the basics of it, "I've calmed down but it was probably one of the worst ones I've ever had." When you finish explaining to him he hugs you, tracing little circles in between your shoulder blades. He pulls away after a few minutes, "come on and stand up sweetheart." He soothes you as you stand up, feeling a little bit of dizziness coming on as you stand up so you just hug Liam. "Aww, I'm sorry love. We'll just go out the back way, I'll explain to the lads tomorrow. We'll go home and you can just go to bed, you should have just pulled me away. I would of followed!" he tells you with a smile. He hugs you and gives you a kiss before leading you away from the bathroom and out the back of the club.

Niall: It's one of those nights, one of those nights where you're just lying there staring at the ceiling as the hours pass by. You listen to cars passing by behind your house, some of them have loud music blaring, others just pass by quietly. You listen to Niall breathing, his breathing is calm, it almost soothes you in a way that you shut your eyes and you feel like you're in a different place. You're one hundred percent sure that Niall's asleep. You try all sorts of different positions to try and get comfy but nothing works. You turn on your stomach once more so your face is stuffed into the pillow and you let out a long, heavy breath. You start to become fidgety, not being able to keep still, you look at the clock that's on the nightstand beside you. '3:46' the clock reads and you let out another long sigh. Thoughts start plaguing your mind, you're never going to get to sleep, you're going to get so tired tomorrow that you're going to pass out. You're going to start hating everyone around you just because you're tired. All these thoughts that aren't true start engraving their selves in your mind. "stop it." You mumble, all the bad and negative thoughts taking over your mind. After a few minutes you find yourself breaking out in a sweat, starting to shake and it's like you're sat in a London tube station because that same roaring sound is ringing in your ears. After a few minutes your sweats die down but your legs and your lower back go numb. Along with that you feel like you're being choked with a piece of rope. Yes, you've had panic attacks in the past but you've never felt like you're being choked. "Niall." You pant out, trying to catch your breath, when he doesn't reply you worry that you're not going to be able to speak loud enough. "Niall." You cry, smacking him on the back with a trembling hand. That makes him stir and he wakes up, turning over to face you, "(Y/N)?" He asks, confused as he sees your struggle to breathe. He jumps up and pushes the sheets off of his body, speed walking around to your side of the bed and switching the lights on, illuminating the whole room. Niall knows what to do, you've had one around him before and he's been great with you. "(Y/N), listen." He instructs you, "you're going to be fine, you're going to be absolutely fine, you're going to calm down, you're going to get a drink and you're going to be fine." He speaks to you slowly and clearly, making sure the negative thoughts from before get replaced with positive ones. He strokes your cheek with his thumb but the tightening around your throat just increases. "I can't breathe." You, try, to shout. Your words come out strained and dry. "okay, Princess, please. Just breathe out slowly." Niall goes through some breathing exercises, that in the past, you told him really help you. He gets you to do it with him and you follow his pattern, you both sit there for the next few minutes trying to get your breathing back to normal. Eventually after what seems like eternity you calm down, your heart is still thumping and your throat seems dry. "Thank you." You say to him when you can get the strength to speak. Niall notices the change in your body language, you feel more relaxed. "don't need to apologise baby." He whispers, tucking your hair behind your ears, he smiles at you after doing so and you smile back. "I love you." You whisper as Niall stands up, you're still perched on the end of the bed, "I love you too." He shouts as he makes his way downstairs to get you a glass of water.

**HIIIIII! Okay, there was some confusion, I always write five parts, so if I only write Louis and Zayn's parts one time, there will be three other parts. Promise me. Don't worry;). So, I'm nearly at 200 followers, well... another 17... hahaa. Does anyone have any requests for song preferences? I really want to do a one but can't find the right song to do. If I leave a link to my newest youtube video in the comments will you watch it? I'm a noob.. hahaa. 9+votes for the next part!:D**

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