Preference 22- He Goes Out With You For A Bet And You Find Out, (LIAM&NIALL)

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He Goes Out With You For A Bet, (HIS POV, LIAM&NIALL):

Liam: Oh my god, what have I just said? I just told (Y/N), after two years, that all this started off with me going out with her for a bet. I've won obviously, I had to make it past ten months and it's coming up to our two year anniversary. "You mean to tell me, that for the past TWO years, this has all been a joke?" Her eyes looking directly into mine, I fiddle with the fork on my plate, people in the restaurant are starting to look at us. "No, at first it was a bet, now I really, really like you (Y/N)." I speak; trying to get the people to think there's nothing going on by lowering my tone. "Really? Or do you just want me to pay you the money now, and get this all over and done with?" She says reaching for her purse.

"(Y/N), stop being so dramatically stupid. It was two years ago!" I whisper harshly, trying to get her to stay in her seat.

She laughs loud, half heartedly, "Oh! Two years ago. Right okay. Well then, if it was two years ago then..." She stops, trying to think about what to say next. "Then, the bet meant nothing." She starts to smile. "You stayed when you were meant to go at ten months. It's been eighteen now, and you're still here." She laughs, nearly starting to cry, "I'm so stupid for nearly yelling at you! I'm so sorry." She whispers, covering her mouth.

"I think I should be the one saying sorry.." I start, "(Y/N), this all started over a bet, and I'm so glad that I did that, terrible thing. Now, nearly two years together, wow. I never thought, that when you said yes that day that I would be sat here, two years on with you now. So, to show you that I do love you. I want to ask you something." I finish there, and get up of my chair. Getting down on one knee. (Y/N) looks at me, tears starting to make their way down her cheeks, "(YOURFULLNAME), will you marry me?" I smile, finishing that tough sentence. Gracefully she moves her hand to her mouth and nods her head, "of course!" She shouts, "Yes, I will." She adds, lowering her volume. I stand up as does she and I wrap her arms around her. The rest of the customers in the restaurant cheering and applauding. "I love you so much." I whisper, giving her a squeeze.

"I love you too."

I'm glad she hadn't got up and walked out. Or I wouldn't be stood here now with her, my fiancée.

Niall: Me and (Y/N) are lying in the back garden. Just coming up to ten o'clock. We've been lying here for ages. Stars scattering the skies, the moon casting shadows on the ground, warm but slightly breezy. It feels perfect.

"Okay, you're turn." (Y/N) states. We're playing 21 questions. "What's the worst thing you've ever done?" Ah crap. I knew this was going to come up. My cheeks turn red. The worst thing I've ever done? Use you for a bet. I want to say that but it'll just ruin the mood completely. "The worst thing I've ever done?" I laugh, trying to change the subject, "What's the worst thing YOU'VE ever done?" I try and ask her.

"Haha, what happened did you cross the road without holding your mums hand?" She jokes, she giggles and watches me shift uncomfortably. "Niall, what's wrong?" She curiously asks.

I start to sit up slowly, not looking at her. "I erm, (Y/N), I have something to tell you." I start, she sits up too. I look over to her and see her wanting to know what's the matter. I don't love her. And I never will. She's a friend to me, nothing more. "I have this friend, who thinks someone's in love with her. But he's not. He just got dared by his mates to go out with her. She doesn't know yet but she's head over heels for this guy. He likes her too, but just as a friend."

"Wha-, Niall what are you talking about?"

I can't take it anymore, "The guy's me! I'm sorry (Y/N)."

Her eyes trail down to her fingers where they're aimlessly playing around. "Oh."

"Are you mad?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"Mad?" She says, "MAD?" she says again, raising her voice. "I don't think mad is the word you should be looking for." She huffs and gets up. Making her way inside.

I'm going to have a reputation for myself now. Thanks to that stupid, idiotic decision I made. I can't believe I was so stupid to do this to someone. I follow her inside the house and try to get her to listen to me. "(Y/N), please. Can we just be friends?" She stares at me with her bag over her shoulder, hair falling by the sides of her face, shaping it nicely.

"Friends? No." She starts making her way towards the door then turns around, "I would be friends with you. If you hadn't just made everything into one big pile of crap." Then she's gone.

I know I didn't love her. But it pained me to see her leave.

**Hello lovelies! I thought since Liam's was quite short I would write Niall's aswell. So the only one left now is Harry's! Which I have no idea how to write it but it'll come to me by tomorrow! Like I said on the status I uploaded earlier on, I want to hug all of you. You're all so nice to me with the feedback! I love you all so much. And if anyone has any requests for when I'm finished this one please comment them! So, 5+votes for the next part!:)**

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