Preference 61- Drive, (Miley Cyrus, Song Preference.)

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Drive (Miley Cyrus, Song Preference):

Louis: "cause I don't wanna leave home, without your love."

The morning Louis leaves for a big journey is always the worst. Especially when you're not accompanying him. He packs the last of his things into his suitcase as the clocks ticks towards his leaving time. You hand him things that you think he'll need, he packs them, his eyes not moving from the nearly full suitcase. "So," you start, tired of the painful silence, "you excited?" you ask, holding the last of his items in your hands. Toying with it uncomfortably. He just solemnly nods his head. The rest of the morning is spent in silence, which is breaking your heart. Every once in a while you would think of something to say but then your throat would lock, not letting out any words. As you sit across from Louis you watch his eyes burn through the clock. He knows it's time to leave, he knows it time to take that long, lonely drive to the airport. His bags are all packed and ready at the front door. He makes a move and stands from the settee, making his way over to the front door. You aren't far behind him, you hand him his car keys as he turns to face you. "I love you." He whispers to you as he holds your hand, looking right into your eyes. "love you too." You say back, he turns around, grabbing his suitcase and heading out the door. You stand in the doorway and watch him get into the car and drive away. Waving him off then turning round into now what feels like a completely empty house.

Zayn: "send me roses I just let them die."

You wake up to an empty bed for what seems like the thousandth time, it's only the fourth. You rustle the sheets, just to see if it makes it feel less empty, it doesn't. Today though, it's different. Today to was meant to be one of the most special days in a while for you and Zayn. Valentines Day. You'd both planned what you were going to do; you'd even bought the gifts, now they're just sat in the wardrobe. Waiting to be opened. When you finally find the strength to get up you make your way downstairs. Something red glimmering through the stained window, your brows furrow in confusion. You grab your keys eagerly off the cabinet, which is standing beside you; you fumble the different keys in your hands, finally finding the one to open the door. You place the key in the lock and slowly unlocking the door. Wanting to make yourself go quicker but you just don't have the strength. Once the door is fully open you're faced with a beautiful bouquet of lively red roses. You stand there for a few minutes, searching eagerly to find a note amongst the sea of red petals. After a few minutes your eyes land on a piece of white card, you bend down and read the scruffy writing, "Happy Valentines Day, maybe meet me later? I'll text you. Zayn.x"

You shake your head once you've read the note a few times, disapproving. Still, you pick the roses up and take them back inside, locking the door once you're safely back indoors. You throw the note to one side, along with the keys, and take the roses into the kitchen. Placing them on the window sill, leaving them there. Which is your own fault, every time you go into the kitchen you see them and are reminded of Zayn, which isn't what's best for you, but it's what you want.

Liam: "when I look you in the eyes all I see are the lies."

It's been weeks now since you found out about Liam seeing someone else behind your back. Whilst he was touring he grew fond of a crew member, took it too far really. He didn't tell you though; you had to hear it from Niall. Niall was the one who told you. Not Liam, Niall. Liam doesn't know that you're aware of what he did. You don't want him to know. If you tell him, you will argue and you don't want that. You'll probably end up leaving him and you don't want that either. But now, every time you look at him, all you can think about is him with another woman. You've gone to sleep most nights picturing them together; you know what she looks like. You've even met her before; she's better than you. Every time you look into Liam's eyes, all you can think about is the way he must of looked at her. All of those things are cheesy but it's true. Now you ask yourself the same question every day, even though you don't want to, do you stay or do you go?

Niall: "if forever's out the door, I'll ignore when you call."

All those times you had those meaningful conversations. All those times you promised each other things, all those times you said 'I love you'. Gone. It's all gone. You can still remember the night when Niall told you that he would be there for you all the time; he promised you that you both would be together forever. You blush at the thought of him saying that, how cheesy he must of felt saying it to you. It was all true though, he meant every word of it. But now, it all seems like a distant memory. With the relationship over and everyone around you turning their backs on you, you don't know what happens. But it hurts you to think about it. The buzzing of your house phone interrupts all of your incoming and outgoing thoughts. You stare at the little screen that keeps flashing with Niall's number. You ignore it, again. It has to be the eighth time he's rang and you've ignored it. You shrug away all of the heaviness that's holding down your shoulders and sit up straight. Putting all of the memories that are causing you pain to the back of your mind, forgetting all about him.

Harry: "if our love is at the end then why do I still want you?"

It's just gone five months since you both went your separate ways. It was a mutual decision, but now that you're living your life without him you're realising the mistake you both made. You made it look like you were done with everything. You made it look like you were the stronger one.

Your fingers tap at the cold wooden table that's in front of you, lying on the surface is your phone. On the screen are Harry's contact details. You've been contemplating whether to call him. You would freeze and make a fool of yourself, besides, he's probably moved on. Like you should be doing but you just can't bring yourself to thinking of anyone else other than Harry.

**Hiiii! I'm gonna start writing personal imagines on in this book, to do with janoskians, 1D, magcon boys and just other youtubers in general! if you would want an imagine comment! So sorry it took a while to update and sorry if this is a little depressing im just obsessed with the bangerz album rn:') 10+votes for the next preference!:D**

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