Preference 47- You Embarrass Yourself.

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You Embarrass Yourself:

Louis: There you both are, driving down the main road with the radio on silently in the background. Suddenly you get a burst of confidence and sing the lyrics quite loudly, you can see Louis out of the corner of your eye smiling gently, keeping his eyes on the road all the time. When a bit you're one hundred percent confident with comes up you shout the lyrics out. Only to get them wrong, when you realise what you said you bury your head in your hands as your cheeks flush with embarrassment, "why me." You laugh, along with Louis who's chuckling next to you.

Zayn: You're sat at the kitchen table with Zayn opposite you; he's engrossed in his book while you're reminiscing about your times in school. All the time you would swing on your chair whilst the teacher had her back to you. You had a good laugh with it so you decide to try it again now, after taking a swing Zayn looks up at you, "careful, (Y/N)." He grumbles, taking his attention back to his book. After a few more swings the chair leg's taken away from the floor and you fall back onto the floor, you lie there thinking for a few minutes, happy that what just happened didn't happen when you were in school. Your cheeks darken to a deep red as Zayn starts to split his sides laughing from up at the table, where you should be...

Liam: "Okay (Y/N)," Liam starts, placing the football in front of you, "just take a swing and pray that it goes in the goal." Liam assists you as he teaches you to play football. You do as he says and you lift your leg up ready to take the swing, Liam moves back from you fearing he'll put you off concentration. You swing your leg down with a force but miss the ball and fall over, landing on the grass quite hard and with a squeak of embarrassment leaving your lips. You lie there on your front for a few minutes just laughing to yourself, leaving your face down so the redness in your cheeks can die away before you get up again. "Thank goodness we're in the back garden." You giggle, standing up and brushing yourself down, when you stand up Liam's face is red also, his with laughter though, he didn't just face plant the floor.

Niall: You have your iPod on shuffle whilst you dance around the kitchen. Niall's upstairs sorting his things out, you don't know what things but you just leave him be. Bored out of your brains you start dancing around the kitchen, to Skrillex. Probably the best songs to dance to, if you do dancing like yours. You can't dance. You refuse to dance when you're out at parties or at concerts, so now that Niall's upstairs and out of sight you start dancing. Since the music is loud you don't hear Niall come downstairs, you continue dancing as the track changes then stop to get a drink of water. You quickly pause the music then walk over to the sink to get a drink from the tap, in a cup obviously. As you finish your drink you turn around, only to see Niall stood at the kitchen door sniggering to himself. Obviously he saw you dancing so your cheeks start to flush a deep pink. "Nice moves." He chuckles once more before going back upstairs. Leaving you to sit and make a vow to yourself that you'd never dance like this, again.

Harry: You and Harry are out shopping for some new shoes, for the both of you, it's a work do Harry has and you've been invited to go too. Harry's successfully found a pair of shoes now you just need to find a pair of heels. You guide Harry into a shop you use regularly to get your shoes. Thankfully, the shop is deserted, there's no-one in the shop, which is good because nobody will see what you're going to do next. After looking around for a few minutes you see a perfect pair of heels, they match with your dress too so that's a bonus. You ask one of the workers to retrieve a pair in your size and she does so. She comes back after a few minutes and hands you the box with the shoes in. After taking them out the box you put them on your feet and start walking around in them. They seem okay until you come to walk back to the chair and one of the heels snaps. You don't fall down but it sure as hell was embarrassing for you. Harry covers his mouth with his hand in fear that he's going to laugh at you. "It's happened many times! Don't worry, just a faulty pair!" The worker assures you and goes off to get another pair, leaving you to flush with embarrassment. Harry gives you a hug and lets the colour in your cheeks leave before you leave his arms.

**I did the last two in a bit of a rush because I'm off to school! I'll write another one tonight because I want to try and get some of the one shots done. Im now really really close to 1M, can you believe it? Like seriously I wouldn't of even thought that I would get to 100 reads never mind nearly 1M, I know I say that a lot but I just want to thank you all, because you're all really kind. 7+votes for the next one!**

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