Preference 37- Danger, (LOUIS AND ZAYN.)

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Louis: You awake in the middle of the night, smelling an awful smell. Slowly and steadily you sit up and look around, looking at Louis who's lying next to you, sleeping peacefully. The air around you feels awfully warm. Too warm. Slipping yourself out of the bed sheets you wander down stairs. Making your way into the kitchen. When you're a few steps away from the kitchen black and grey smoke is pouring out of the gaps between the closed kitchen door. Your heart pounds against your chest, knowing what's happening. Mentally you want to call 999 and get this over with, but you could go in there and it might just be a little fire. Something you could easily put out yourself. As you slowly creep towards the door you place your hand over the metal door handle. Feeling the heat being transferred from the other side. Carefully you open the door, looking at the fiery scene unfolding infont of you. Your eyes skim the kitchen, looking for a clear path that you could take, there's none. So you make your way behind the cupboard, where there's a big enough space for you to fit through. As soon as you get behind there the heat hits you, you start feeling claustrophobic, the smoke getting to you. Half way behind the cupboard something falls on you, the smoke and heat had risen up to the floorboards and made them weak and unsteady. Louis must be walking around on the floorboards because one falls down, right onto you. Making you blackout instantly.

Zayn: After the Jay Z concert everybody rushes out at once, making things crowded and loud. As soon as the doors open people are pushed out, pushing you closer to Zayn. He wraps a hand around your waist, feeling nervous himself. Rowdy men, and women are crowding you. Shouting the lyrics to his songs, walking slowly but still pushing off one another. It feels like out of nowhere someone slams into the back of you; you manage to keep your balance and stay holding onto Zayn. For the next two minutes you just keep moving, not saying a word to anyone. It's nearly over, you're nearly out of the crowd, so you think. Again, someone slams into the back of you, knocking you out of Zayns' grasp. You don't fall though, you've just been pushed out of Zayns' reach. He looks at you, as if to say, "everything will be okay". You nod at him, reassuring him that you'll get out okay. But you're hopes aren't high. You've been pushed into a drunken bunch of men who are just jumping around and acting like freaks. One of them knocks into you, this time making you fall. You fall straight onto the hard concrete floor beneath you; thankfully he knocked you out of the crowd. Onto the pavement where hardly anybody is. Head first you fall, straight into the curb, drawing blood almost instantly. After that, you listen to the shouting die away, or is that just you?

**I'll post the other boys then i'll do part two of each of them.. if that makes sense. I PROMISE I WILL FINISH THIS. So, I reached 300K reads. Wow. thank you all! I'll speak to you all soon:) 7+votes for the next one!:)**

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