Preference 42- Hate.

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Louis: "I'm sorry (Y/N)." Louis whispers quietly to you whilst holding you close. All day whilst you were out the fans you encountered were throwing insults at you. Catching them you've held onto them all day. Now that you're home and in the safety of your own house you break down in tears after having them bottled up inside you all day. Louis knows why and is very annoyed that the fans would say such things to someone that means so much to him.

Zayn: Watching from the settee you observe every move Zayn makes. Whether he's running a hand through his hair or he's resting a hand on the arm of the chair. Nothing seems right about him. He came in and forced a smile, sat down and shifted uncomfortably. You didn't know what to do other than sit next to him and cradle him. You knew why he was acting like this. During their performance on a TV show his voice cracked and ever since all his twitter consisted of was fans giving him shit. He let a few tears slip as he opened up about how he's feeling. When he finishes talking you've managed to calm him down, now he feels thankful to have someone like you to look after him.

Liam: "I just don't understand, why are they being like this?" Liam cracks, he's been upset all day. Just because he said something about the fans being clingy and a little annoying sometimes in an interview then got hate over the Internet. It's killing him. All the fans seemed to love him one minute then absolutely hate him the next. Liam isn't taking it so well. All you can do is let him cry it out and get him to apologize over twitter. He does so and all the fans gradually start acting like it never happened.

Niall: Tweet after tweet after tweet. Every single tweet that comes through your mentions you read. Many times before Niall has told you not to read them but it's just too hard. You're curious as if to whether the fans like you or not. If they don't what's the point in being here? Just as more tears start to fall Niall barges in, "Have you seen-" he looks around the room then his eyes plant on your face. Looking directly at you. Then he looks at the phone in your hand and he whips over to you and snatches it, not caring about how fragile it is as he throws it over the other side of the room. "Why do you read it?" he asks you, wiping all the tears that have fallen away. "Niall, I don't understand, if they don't like me then why am I still here? I might as well go."

"No!" Niall shouts, clearly angry with how the fans have made you feel, "(Y/N), you're in a relationship with me. Not the fans. Who cares if they don't like you? At the end of the day they're just trying to get a reaction out of you. Princess, I'm so sorry that they're making you feel like this but you're mine. Not theirs." He flashes a smile at you. Making you give one back.

Harry: "Do you want anything?" Harry asks tucking a strand of fallen hair behind your ear. "No," you sniffle. You've just calmed down from having a panic attack. All because of the hate you've been getting. You read it all, your breathing got faster and your chest tightened. "I'm fine thanks." You whisper, tucking yourself further into Harry's chest. All he does is keep you close to him. Not letting you move away from him. Eventually after humming various songs to you you fall asleep. Not letting what happened earlier get to you.

**I KNOW THIS IS SO RUSHED. I'm so sorry we're watching modern family and it's hilarious. I know I say this way to much but you're all so nice to me! And I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! Right, truthful answers please, how old do you think I am? And tell me how old you guys are! 7+votes for the next part, preference or one shot!:)**

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